Chapter 15: Can I Ask You Something?

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The ladies leave the bustle of the party, and trudge through the snow in front of Payton's house.

Emma: Everything okay, Sammie? You look like you've got a lot on your mind.

Sammie: Actually, I really wanted to talk to you about something big....

Emma: Are you talking

Sammie: Well.....yes.

Emma: I....I can't believe it! I mean, of course I can, but I also can't, you know?

Sammie: Whoa there, Emma. Calm down. I haven't said anything yet.

Emma blushes.

Emma: I know. I just really like you, Sammie. More than I've ever liked anyone ever.

Sammie: Now that's saying something.

Emma: I know. But usually, the more I got to know about someone, the less I liked them. With you, it's the opposite. Oh my gosh, have I said too much? I've never done this before. I probably suck at it.

Sammie: Emma, you don't suck at this.

Emma: I don't?

Sammie: I don't think so, anyway.

Emma: Well, I guess your opinion is the one that counts. Actually, could I be the one to ask? I'm trying to learn to be brave.

Sammie: If you're sure....

Emma: Positive. Sammie Clifford, would you like to be my girlfriend?

Sammie: Oh my goodness gracious! Ms. Emma Hawkins, Yes! Of course!

Emma clasps her hands together and jumps up and down excitedly.

Sammie: I take it you're okay with that answer?

Emma: Oh, Sammie....

Emma flings her arms around Sammie and kisses her quickly and eagerly on the lips.

Emma: I couldn't have hoped for a more wonderful girlfriend.

Sammie: 'Girlfriend'. I like the sound of that.

Sammie hear a cheerful shout coming from inside Payton's house.

Emma: The party! I almost forgot!

Sammie: Want to go in and tell people the good news?

Emma: I don't know....I was kinda hoping to spend a little more time alone with you. There's a trail near here that leads into town....Maybe we could take a snow walk together?

Sammie: Emma, let's go back inside. I'm getting cold.

Emma: Yeah, it is snowing pretty hard. Let's go.

She grabs her hand and hurries toward the house, taking Sammie with her. The party is still in full swing when Sammie and Emma return, but, when she open the door, all eyes on Sammie.

Sammie (thinking): (What should I do? I shall kiss Emma in front of everyone.)

Sammie sweep Emma into her arms for a long, passionate kiss. The other guests cheer.

Myra: Finally!

Sydney: I knew it would be tonight!

Sammie's friends crowd around her.

Luis: So, which of you asked?

Maria: Have you started making plans for prom?

Myra: Did Emma read you poetry?

Caleb: Come on, guys. Give them some space. I'm sure Sammie and Emma will be happy to answer your questions later.

Emma: Uh, thanks, Caleb.

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