She was starting to get erratic. Her usual mocha brown skin tone was turning red as her pupils became heavily dilated.

An onlooker from one of the neighbouring houses had enough and called the police to make a complaint.

"Watch the way you speak shakiyah." Kareem didn't like that she was speaking ill of Jamie.

"Or what kareem, whatchu you gonna do about it."

As he was about to answer he heard the sound of sirens approaching.

Getting frantic shakiyah was running out of options. She could stay there and argue or go home and try again later. Thinking it over she realized she couldn't risk getting arrested again, especially with no one to take care of her daughter.

Turning around and running to her car she sped off just as her brother arrived.

"What's going on?" J'Shaun asked as he stepped out the car.

"Yo crazy ass sister came up here acting a fool and disrespected my sister who is your wife!" He explained angrily throwing his hands in the air. "She needs to get her shit together and stop worrying about me and fix her own life."

Blue and red lights flashed as a police car pulled up In front of the house.

"Is there a problem I was called for a disturbance in the area?" the officer asked as he stepped out of his car.

"Nah everything sorted out."

"Alright just keep the noise level down." after checking the surrounding area per protocol the officer went back to his car and drove off.

"Imma head out i'on wanna be here no more." dapping up his brother in law he hopped back in his car and started his drive home.

Sneezing for what felt like the millionth time Jamie rolled out of her bed to go make some tea.

Jamie was sick. Scratch that Jamie was always sick. It was a monthly occurrence for her like a period and she hated her weak ass immune system for it,

Eyeing the rose bottle in the cabinet she sipped on the bitter-ass ginger tea she had to drink every time she was sick due to constantly losing her voice. Grabbing the bottle she poured the pink liquid into her cup before taking another sip with a smile.

A little alcohol never hurt nobody

Grabbing her beats headphones she connected them to her phone and beaded straight to Spotify to play her music.

Searching through an array of songs she finally came across a song she knew would have her feeling slightly more alive.

Method man by Wu-tang clan

Something about the beat of the song has her doing weird shit. Especially when she has alcohol in her system.

In the middle of her session her music cut off due to an incoming call.

"Who the fuck calling my phone." she angrily grumbled before answering. "Hello."

"Aight girl, there was no need for all that attitude." pulling her phone away from her to look at the caller ID, she realized Kareem had called her.

"Mmcht, whatchu calling me for.?"

"Why you sound like that?" Jamie's voice was ten times raspier than usual and on top of that her nose was stuffy which made her sound like a lawnmower that smokes cigarettes daily.

"I'm sick" she coughed out. "But again, what are you calling me."

"I'm coming over to your apartment." he explained as he stopped at a red light. "Cause im bored."

"Am I entertainment to you?" she questioned.

"Yes." he answerd with no hesitation as the light turned green.

"Bye Kareem."she sighed getting ready to hang up.

"I'll bring food." He said as a last minute resort. He was really craving her company.

"What time will you be here." She said with a smirk.

I lied kinda. I gotta my last exam in 8 hours so pray for me.❤️

when we were young (JEM#1)Where stories live. Discover now