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E/N = Ex's Name

E/L/N = Ex's Last Name

Y/L = Your Lawyers Name

[Flashback - 1 year ago]

You were currently sitting in court. The room was tense as you were currently being tried for not fun allegations. You were next to your lawyer who was reading his papers, you were messing with your thumbs, shy and scared. You then look to the other table to see your newly pronounced Ex. sitting with her lawyers. You saw she was 'sad' and was acting in front of them. She knew you were glancing at her so she knew to make your the least comfortable person as possible.

Bang Bang

Everyone suddenly went silent as the judge took his seat.

Judge: Order!

You then saw as he took some papers and read off them.

Judge: Today we will be going over the case of E/N E/L/N vs Y/N L/N.

He turned to the prosecution as they began talking. They talked to the audience and jury about what happened during the months of your relationship with her, and what you did to her. If you weren't so nervous you would have scoffed out loud. You then saw as your Ex was called to the stand, bearing fake tears. She was then asked when the abuse started, with you bracing to hear her sob story.

Ex: sniff I d-don't k-know what I ever did, b-but it started whenever w-we were alone. H-h-he would started sniff d-drinking a-and hitting m-me.

She suddenly pulled out a tissue and wiped her tears.

Ex: H-he would a-at sometimes e-even put himself o-on me sniff h-he tried to-

You suddenly nudged your lawyer as she was trying to push your charged.

Y/L: Objection, we have never been notified of those accusations until now-

Suddenly he was cut off by the judge.

Judge: Overruled!

You then saw your Ex grin an evil smile as she shed more tears and began talking.

[Present Day]

You were currently fast asleep. You had crashed last night and forgotten some of what happened. You tried to wake up from your current nightmare, with you not wanting to relive it. But something had you in a tight hug. You suddenly began shaking a bit, slowly getting out of the grasp. You were let go as you suddenly shot up from where you were laying, breathing heavily.

Mickey: Are you okay sweetie?

She asked.

Y/N: Y-yeah . . . 

You then sighed as you rubbed your face.

Y/N: Just a bad dream.

You were barely awake as despite how much sleep you got last night, you were still tired.

Mickey: Do you want to talk about it?

She asked. You shook your head, not wanting to. You turned towards her, ready to say something. You however instantly blushed as you stared at her.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: 6 days ago ⏰

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Sunday Night Salvation (Female Human Suicide Mouse x Male Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ