~ Chapter Thirty-Eight ~

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The group sat there with the door to the van open. "Kiara, holding onto your grudge is like drinking poison and thinking Sarah will die". Pope said, fiddling with his shirt. "Exactly," Jj said agreeing. You nodded to Pope's statement. You really wish Kie would forgive Sarah. It would make things a lot easier. "The thing is, you guys don't know how Sarah treated me, she took my trust and threw it away." Kie said sadly. "Look, but that was what, like a year or more ago.. you can't hold onto the anger forever, Kie." You said, looking at her. "Yeah, it's pretty unhealthy.." Pope said agreeing. "Y/n you talk about Sarah like she's the best person ever, but what happens when she goes ghost on you, like she did with me?" Kie asked, looking up at you. "That's harsh." Jj said rolling up a blunt. "Kie, she wouldn't do that to me." you replied to her. "That's what I thought, too." Kie said, rolling her eyes and sighing. You looked down at the ground and thought about what Kie said. Would Sarah actually do that? She has been acting more distant now, but she is going through a lot. "Dude, do you really have to get high, all the time?" Pope asked, pointing to Jj's blunt. "Life is better when you're high, my friend" Jj replied to him, still rolling the blunt. Pope just shook his head. "How long do you guys think John b will take?" you asked, trying to clear the air. "However long it takes to bone Sarah." Jj said shrugging. You could hear Pope chuckle. "Haha, hilarious Jj.." you said, rolling your eyes. You kind of felt bad for Sarah. She really liked John b, and then he goes and tells people he's just using her. At the same time, she's also cheating on your brother, which made you feel even worse for Topper and also mad at Sarah. "You guys will never believe what happened in the locker room at midsummers." Jj said taking a hit of his blunt. "What happened..?" Kie asked in a sarcastic tone. "So Kelce and Rafe followed me-" Jj's sentence was interrupted by Kie. "Do you guys hear that?" Kie asked. "What?" Pope and Jj both asked. "Somebody please help!" you heard Sarah yell. Your heart dropped. "Oh wait, no, I hear that." Jj said getting up quickly. "Shit!" Pope said getting out of the van in a hurry. "What the fuck?" Kie asked, following behind Pope.

Everyone scurried out of the van and ran to the tower John b was meeting Sarah at. "Sarah what happened?!" Pope asked while he quickly ran to Sarah and John b. Your heart felt like it had just exploded. There was Sarah holding John b. You quickly ran to her side. "I don't know what to do, he needs help." Sarah said sobbing. "Sarah, it's okay, how did he fall?" You asked, sitting beside her and looking at John b laying on the ground. "Topper shoved him." Sarah replied crying. At that very moment, you wish you were at home, asleep and not having a care in the world. "I'm gonna go try to find Topper, I'll be back." you said angrily. You felt like throwing up. You heard Jj shout something and Sarah crying. You ran around to the back of the tower and saw Topper getting in his car.

You quickly ran to him and shoved him against the side of his car. "What the fuck Top?!" you shouted while crying. "It- it was an accident, I didn't mean to!" he shouted. "You could've killed him!" you said pushing him again. "The railing.. it- it was rotten or something, I didn't even push him that hard!" Topper yelled. "What's wrong with you?!" you shouted. "Its not my fault." Topper said angrily. "You're the one who pushed him!" you said yelling at him. "I didn't push him hard Y/n, I swear!" Topper yelled back. "God, you are so selfish!" you shouted at him. "You're not the one being cheated on!" Topper yelled. "Fuck you Topper." you said, storming away from him.

You ran back to the group and saw Sarah kissing John b. You looked over at Kie and saw her tearing up. "Where's Pope?" you asked, running up to them. "He's going to get help.." Kie said watching Sarah hold John b. "Pope hurry up!" Jj shouted. The world felt like it was spinning. "What did Topper say?" Jj asked, walking up towards you. "He said that he didn't push him hard and a shitload of lies," you said crying. "Fucking kooks man!" Jj shouted. "The ambulance is on its way!" Pope shouted while running back. "How long until they get here?" Jj asked. "Not too long," Pope said catching his breath. You sat down beside Sarah and rubbed her back. All you could hear her say was along the lines of, "Stay with me John b." and "It's okay John b, help is on the way."

After about 5 minutes of everyone freaking out, the ambulance arrived. You watched Sarah get in the back of the ambulance with John b and the ambulance drive off. "This is bullshit!" Kie shouted. "He should get out of the hospital tomorrow so we can see him then," you said trying to reassure the group. "I told you guys where ever Sarah goes, she brings trouble," Kie said annoyed.

The group headed back to the Twinkie and Pope drove it since John b wasn't there. While driving back to John b's you texted Rafe. You didn't know who else to reach out to.


You- hey rafe.. i need somewhere to stay tonight, can you come get me?

Rafe- Now why would I do that?

You- please.

Rafe- Fine, where are you?

You- im about to be at john b's house in like 10 mins.

Rafe- I take it back I'm not coming.

You- rafe please?

Rafe- Give me one good reason why I should.

You- cause i need you. tonight has been really bad.

Rafe- Fine but Top and Kelce are coming too.

You- no.

Rafe- Wdym no?

You- don't pick me up, i don't wanna see topper.

Rafe- where will you stay then?

You- with the pouges ig.

Rafe- I told Topper to go home with Kelce, I'll be there in 15 mins.

You- thank you.


"It's a good thing the cops aren't watching over Jb's house anymore," Jj said getting his backpack ready and zipped up. "They were watching his house?" Kie asked. "Yeah, I hope they don't find out he's in the hospital," Jj said putting his backpack on. "You realize they probably got info from the ambulance that they had him in custody, right?" Pope said putting the van in park. "Let's hope not," Kie said opening the door to the van. Everyone hopped out and before you got to the door Jj grabbed your arm. "Hey guys we'll be in soon, I gotta talk to Y/n about something," Jj said still tightly holding your arm. "Okay.." Kie said looking at you funny. Kie and Pope went inside and shut the door.

You turned to Jj and he finally let go of your arm. "So what was that at midsummers?" Jj asked confused. "What do you mean?" you asked acting confused. You were hoping he would've forgotten about it. "You kissed me Y/n," he said looking at you. "I'm sorry about that, I just wanted to get back at Rafe for making out with that girl.. I didn't know him and the rest of the kooks would go ballistic on you," you said looking up at him. "It's okay, but let's not bring it up ever again.." he said smiling. "Of course," you said smiling and hugging him. Jj hugged you back and you saw headlights pull up. "Who's that?" Jj asked quickly pulling away from the hug. "It's Rafe.." you sighed. "I thought he wasn't your boyfriend?" he asked confused. "He's not but-" you started to speak but got cut off. "So you're just macking on him?" Jj asked smiling. "Ew Jj stop," you said pushing him playfully. You grabbed your bag and hopped in Rafe's car.

"So you and Maybank?" Rafe asked while pulling out of John b's driveway. "Ew no.." you said watching John b's house disappear out of the rearview mirror. "Right.." Rafe said nodding in a sarcastic way. "So are you and that girl you were making out with a thing?" you asked looking at him. When you turned your head to look at him you could smell the alcohol coming off of him. "Depends if she's gonna friend zone me," Rafe said rolling his eyes. "Rafe enough with that.. also how much have you had to drink?" you asked with a disgusted look. "Enough to forget about you, until you texted," Rafe said driving carefully. "Then why the fuck are you driving?!" you asked, frustrated. "I couldn't let you stay with the Pouges." he shrugged. "Fair enough," you said looking out the window. "So what made your night bad?" Rafe asked looking over at you. "Topper pushed John b off a tower.." you said, sighing. "Holy shit, did he kill him?" Rafe asked laughing. "What the fuck Rafe, what's funny about that?" you asked looking over at him angrily. "You're right, my bad," Rafe said trying to hide his laughter. You rolled your eyes and looked out the window until you two arrived at his house.

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