How love started😏🫦

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*Ring Ring(some sorta bell sound💀) (Recess bell)*
"Uhm guys..." says Alesha "yeah?" says alpha dogs (Lina, Rakshikaa, Taffy, Sianna, Olivia, Alesha, Nellia, and Diem-ca) "uhh Joseph has been staring at me like a lot lately-" "oooooooo😏" says alpha dogs "and uhm... I like Joseph" then Rakshikaa and Lina starts laughing so much 😹 and Olivia just looked disappointed 😓 and said "are you serious? Is this a joke? Girl- HIM?!?" Yells Olivia "uhh yeah" "oh damn" says sixth harmony (Lina, Rakshikaa, Taffy, Sianna, Alesha, and Olivia).

*Ring Ring (end of recess bell)*
*the end of the day*
Rakshikaa and Taffy goes and ask Joseph "yo musty face (Joseph don't attack me) you gotta crush?" And Joseph replies with "why would you wanna know?🤨 but yeah" "Ight bye dumbass😹" says Rakshikaa and Taffy and Rakshikaa starts running as fast as they can😭 .

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