CHAPTER 75: Peter Tries to Help Malia

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Later, Malia and Peter are in her car and Peter is telling her where to go.

""Take the next left, cut over to the highway." Peter tells her "And then don't stop."

"We have a deal." Malia said "I'm not leaving without Stiles."

Peter shook his head "You're so very loyal, Malia. And that is an overrated quality."

Malia kept driving until she reached the sign stating 'Beacon Hills Preserve: No Entry After Dark.'

Malia and Peter get out of the car and Malia walks on ahead.

"You know, I was in pretty bad shape when you found me." Peter said "I don't really have a clear picture of where I was."

Malia turned back to look at Peter "I marked the territory."

Peter made a face of disgust

"Visually." Malia corrected "I marked it visually. But we didn't see where you came out. "

Peter follows behind Malia "It's a supernatural rift, Malia, it's not the Golden Gate Bridge. I doubt we can even see it, let alone get through. No matter how much I want to just to get your sister but this is a horrible waste of time."

"You promised me." said Malia "On your deathbed."

"I just saw a kid get burned alive trying to escape the Hunt. You try and save Stiles, he's gonna die the same way. Humans can't get through. Bella? A whole nother story. She'll most likely heal the same way I did."

"Then we'll find him another way to get out. But first we have to get in." Malia said "I'm sure Bella would appreciate a less painful way to get out."

"I know she would. You have no self-preservation instincts." Peter said, stopping in his tracks before saying "How are you my daughter?" quietly to himself. He then continued to follow behind Malia.

The two of them continued to walk for some time.

"I think you need to admit that you have an unhealthy attachment to Stiles." Peter said "You got to let him go."

Malia growls

"Would you please try to behave like a human?" Peter tells her

"I need Stiles for that." Malia said

"Why?" Peter asked "Is he your human crutch?"

"He's my anchor." Malia revealed

"I'll get you a new anchor." Peter tells her "He's not coming back. He was hunted. He got caught. As for your sister, it's easier for her to get out free. She's supernatural. She will heal."

Malia turned to face Peter "You don't believe that. You risked your life to bring us his keys."

"I risked my life to escape the Hunt. Not to reunite sentimental teenagers. I'm only helping just to get Bella out!"

Malia continued walking ahead "You wanted us to know about Stiles. And Canaan. You were warning us."

Malia then stopped at a place in the woods and turned to Peter  "This is where we found you."

Peter then looks around "Like I said, there's nothing here."

"You're not even looking."

"You can't just poke around and expect to find a supernatural train station." Peter said

Then the noises of horses off in the distance were heard and Peter turned around to the direction it was coming from. His face was now filled with worry.

"Do you hear that?" Peter asked

The sounds get closer

"It's them?" Malia asked

"Yeah." said Peter "And judging by the sound, we don't have a lot of time."

"For what?"

"For you to run." Peter tells her

"You're leaving me?"

"I'm saving you." Peter turns to look at Malia "You know I'd do the same for your sister."

"But if we can hear them, it must be close." Malia argued

'There'll be another chance." Peter tells her as he moved closer towards Malia and looked into her eyes. "Go now. Malia, run! Go!"

Malia then runs away as Peter turns to face the Wild Hunt once more. Peter shifted as the Hunt came closer. He lets his claws out and roared at the Hunt when one of them pulls out their gun and aims it at Peter. But suddenly, the Hunt turned away, leaving Peter confused as he watched the Hunt ride off.

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