Yaoyorozu came to your defense. "I think it's very cute. It sounds like a name I would see on cartoons and I think it would do well to teach children a few of the most important principles of heroism--"

This only made Kendo laugh harder.

"No. It is fine to say only 'Hiro'." You blinked at Kendo's reddening face. "Are you alright, Kendo?"

She finally settled down with a few breathy laughs. "Well, at the very least, I think it suits you. Very child-like."

Once you bade the girls farewell after dropping your costumes off at school, you saw Midoriya walking not too far ahead of you.


He didn't seem to hear you. Speeding up your pace after a moment's thought, you called with slight strain, "Midoriya."

"Oh! [L/n]." The boy turned a freckled cheek over his shoulder with a smile. "It's good to see you."

"It is good to see you as well." Running your eyes down his body innocently, you inquired, "How are you faring?"

It was safe to say that the unintentional once-over you gave him made him flush. "I--uh--I'm good! Yeah."

Midoriya began to sweat, eyes darting to the floor and hands gripping the straps of his backpack. Boys aren't supposed to make me nervous. Am I just on edge from Stain?

He decided to change the subject. "Is something wrong with your throat? You sounded sort of strained when you got my attention earlier."

You shook your head, your fringe swaying as you did so. "No. My voice is fine. Ms. Uwabami says I must learn to manipulate my voice with vigor."

"Is that so? You mean like shouting, right?"


Midoriya blinked. After gazing forward for a few seconds, he turned back toward you. "Well, I think it'll come naturally." He suddenly perked up. "Ah, when someone is in danger, you'll shout for sure!"

You think for a moment. "In order to warn them, I must shout, yes?"

The shorter male beamed. "Ding-ding! Right on the money."

On the rest of the way home, you two talked about your respective internships.

"I...I think I shouted, Midoriya." You didn't look at him as you continued, "A civilian attempted to attack a Nomu whilst it had me pinned down. I shouted for her to stop, I believe."

Midoriya had to do a double-take when he saw the genuine fascination on your face. Your eyes were big, bright and glazed as if trapped in the memory.

He smiled and laughed. "I'm glad to hear that, [L/n]."

Perhaps, thought Midoriya, this was where the awkward friendship between you and him would start to look up.

The next day, the classroom was in chaos.


"Really, Bakugou!?"

Kirishima and Sero couldn't contain their laughter as Bakugou trembled like a chihuahua, his hair slicked down in the saddest way.

"Stop laughing! It's just stuck like this, even with a good washing." Bakugou's eyes were white and rimmed with veins. "Keep it up and I'll murder the both of you!"

"Look at that! It's a perfect 2:8 ratio! BWA HA HA HA!"

Your stupid ass, who was in ass-kicking radius, proceeded to part your hair the same way as his. At this, Kirishima and Sero almost shat out their stomachs from laughing so hard.

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