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"Hehehe. Hi guys," Boboiboy said before being bombarded with questions by his team.

Chapter 3

"Your father is Admiral Amato?!?!"

"How come you never tell us huh?!?!"

"I thought your father was an ambassador!?!?"

Questions from Yaya, Ying, Fang and Gopal just kept rushing in without fail, not giving Boboiboy a chance to answer any of them. Maskmana, Amato and Mechabot laughed at the sight in front of them. Boboiboy looked over Fang's shoulder and mouthed 'Help me please' to Amato. There were just too many questions for him to answer and with all his friends surrounding him, he barely had any room to escape or even breathe. Amato chuckled and walked towards Boboiboy and his group of friends.

"I think you guys should give him some space. If you guys continue to question him like that, none of the questions will be answered at all," hearing what Amato had said, they move away from Boboiboy with sheepish smiles. Boboiboy sighed in relief and gave a thankful smile to his father.

"Now, can you guys please ask questions one by one? How about we start with Yaya?" Boboiboy pointed his finger to Yaya who was in front of him. They nodded their heads in agreement.

"Why didn't you tell us that Admiral Amato was your father?" Yaya questioned Boboiboy. Boboiboy sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"To tell you all the truth...I didn't even know that my dad worked at TAPOPS until today...I thought he was an ambassador too...If I had known he had worked at TAPOPS...I would have told you guys," Boboiboy answered. They felt guilty upon hearing his answer. They felt bad for thinking that Boboiboy would keep a secret from them.

"We are sorry Boboiboy. For thinking that you didn't trust us," Ochobot said, heading towards Boboiboy. Boboiboy looked up, giving Ochobot and his friends a smile. They all sighed in relief. 

"Who wants to hear stories about Boboiboy when he was a baby? Or a toddler?" Mechabot playfully hinted, ready to spill the tea on the embarrassing moments of Boboiboy's childhood as an attempt to lift up the atmosphere. All of them except for Boboiboy nodded their heads, eager for Mechabot to start his story-telling session of Boboiboy's childhood.

"Mechabot don't you dare! Please, don't do this Mechabot!" Boboiboy cried out in embarassament, feeling heat start to rise up to his cheek.

"Oh yes, I dare! So when Boboiboy was..." Mechabot started telling the story of Boboiboy's childhood.

Throughout the storytelling session of Boboiboy's childhood, everyone was laughing and Boboiboy's face was full-on red as a tomato. Mechabot kept telling stories until they didn't even realise that it was already 11.00 pm, until someone cleared their throat. (FYI, it was 9.30 pm when Mechabot was telling stories about Boboiboy's childhood) 

"Fang, we should get going and pack our bags," Captain Kaizo, who was leaning against the wall, stood up straight while looking at his watch. Everyone turned their heads to Kaizo before looking at their own watch. All of them nodded their heads in agreement. All of them bid goodbyes before retreating back to their respective room.

Hi Guys! I am sorry that this chapter took so long. I am currently really busy with school. I just wanted to get a new chapter out for you guys. I will try to write longer for the next chapter. If you have any suggestion for this chapter and onwards, comment or DM me. I hope you guys like this chapter

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