I don't give a damn about the consequences Part 1 ;)

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We got to the hotel.My Amanda and Allyson had our own room. Amanda decided to chat with her Boyfriend while Allyson and I decided to be are usual party going selves. We waled into the summer sets room and were instantly greeted with red cups. filled with what? i really don’t care. it was a typical Summer Set party. Allyson was all over Stephen and I was all over John as usual. Than we all drunknly decided to play spin the bottle Jack Daniels style. Allyson spun and it landed on Brian so she kissed his cheek. I am pretty sure he has a girlfriend but oh well its not like she kissed him kissed him. I spun it landed on John. 

“Cheater!”Someone yelled as I leaned into the circle and john kissed me.

Than We stopped playing and I was laying on johns lap and drinking some more of what was ever in those cups and than All Time Low walked in,as I screamed “NOOO,My Cuppy is Empty.”

“I get you more.”Brian said hiccuping 

“Thank You BRI BRI.”

“Are you DRUNK!?!” Rian yelled 

“John where did Allykat and Stephen go?”

“Dunno.”John said looking at my brother 

“EARTH TO SARAH!”Rian Yelled “are you drinking?”

“Nope.” I said as Brian handed me a new cup “Now I am.”

“What the Fuck Sarah.”Rian yelled 

“My sister better not be here.”Jack said as Allyson walked out 

“Oh Shit.”Allyson said giggling and sitting down on the floor.

“Sarah get off John,you aren’t partying anymore.”Rian said 

“Ri don’t be a party pooper.”

Allyson and I got sent back to our hotel room, Than we got given a really long speech about why partying is bad at a young age. Than they left and we went back to the party.

We partied and it was a blast. I woke up the next morning at like 11. completely hungover.I was also in an oversized summer set tee. my phone was blinking


AmandaMerr: Where ru?Rian is FREAKING!

RiGuy: where are you?

I slowly sat up.Ugh my head pounded,John’s arm was originally draped over me while i was laying down so when i sat up he stirred. I was able to get out of John’s grip, I left a note explaining where I was going and went to look for Allyson.  I saw Allyson in the main suite looking as hungover as I felt and trying to put on the clothes she had worn that night.  

“Hey,” I grumbled.

“Hey, did you get texts from both Amanda and your brother?” she asked.

“Yeah, but now we have to get out of this room without our brother’s knowing.”

“I know, and that is going to be tricky.  Wait, I’ve got it,but we are going to need a distraction.  Call Amanda and put her on speaker.” she said.

I dialed Amanda’s number and put the phone on speaker phone.

“Hey guys where are you, the whole band is freaking out.” she asked

“Well Sarah and I kinda got wasted and ended up sleeping over at the Summer Set’s room.  We need you to distract the guys so that we can get back to our room.” said Allyson.

“Okay, what what kind of distraction did you guys have in mind?” she asked.

“Okay, we need you to sneak onto the bus and start to knock things over and make it look as if someone snuck on the bus and try to take something.  Then call Zack and tell him that you went out to get something of the bus and you found it trashed.  Tell him that everyone needs to come outside to see if anything is missing.  As soon as the boys make there way towards the bus text me with the code word “barracuda”and we will sneak back into the the suite.  I will think of an excuse as to why we were not in the room this morning.” replied Allyson.

“Okay give me about 15 minutes to set the plan in action and then I will text you.” she said.

As soon as Allyson ended the phone call we started to think of excuses as to why we were not in our suite that morning.  We finally decided that we will tell the guys that we couldn’t sleep and we decided to head to the gym. we actually went to the gym.than we got the text and ran into our room. I had bought water and Advil and I was now laying on the bed. Than Amanda walked in,my brother looked in at the open door. 

“Hey,where were you?”

“The Gym.”I said 


“I hate being confined.”

We got dressed. Smart girls always have clothes in their car.

Than we headed to Philly. 

I was sitting on a road case outside. 

“Hey you,why did you leave so quick this morning?”John practically yelled

“I thought you went to the Gym?”Rian snapped 


“I am calling mom.”

He called I was freaked and than he turned around laughing. “Don’t worry Kiddo I am not gonna do that to you.”

“Why are you sitting on a road case?”John asked 

“I didn’t want to sit on the ground.”

“Sarah are we going to boozle this year?”Allyson yelled 

“Yup.” “Wait why?”

“Um someone just asked me.”Allyson yelled as my phone buzzed


JordanEckes @SarahDawesome will I be seeing you at Boozle?

CameronHurley @AllysonBarakitty Will I be seeing you at Bambeezy?

AllysonBarakitty @CameronHurley yup! :^)

Me,Allyson and Amanda were super bored. both the bands were in an interview so we decided to interview ourselves and fans.

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