Chapter 4

378 6 1

Warning: mild PTSD


My phone rang as I groaned before grabbing it to check time. It is 0600 hours. I sighed before getting up, to grab my small t-shirt that tightened me then wear a veil before combat pants, combat boot, tight sleeve on right that cover my scars. Then get a jacket on me before rolling both sleeves. My vest, headphones and protection knees were left on my bed. I got out of my room to go outside but I saw Gaz and Soap carrying my boxes. I twitched before I went to them. I raised my hands and gave them "what the hell are you doing with my stuff?" Looks. Soap saw me and smiled, "Price asked us to help you. That is his order because he knows you are stubborn."

I facepalm myself and rub my face to try to calm myself. I knew that my brother told him about me personally. I nodded in defented and picked the box then brought it to my room. There are five boxes. There is not much because I had a tough life before joining the military. Anyway, after all, there are five boxes in my room. Gaz leaves but Soap stays and asks, "Veil, may I help you unpacking?"

I look at him and hesitate before grabbing the note and writing before giving it to him. "You can. But no question except ask me where you will put the stuff to." He nodded as understand. We unpack and put it away until He saw the picture of Fang and me. He knew he couldn't ask her but he tried, "Veil, you and Fang are close?"

I looked at him and saw the picture. I hesitate before nodding softly. "...One more question. What is your relationship with him?" He asked. I stopped what I was doing. I bit and licked my lip before taking a deep breath, "He is my half brother from the same mother." I simply said, but again, my voice surely surprised him.

"Oh." I heard that from him.

I nodded softly. "But please don't tell anyone that you hear my voice and my relationship." He nodded and put the picture on the nightstand. It looks like everything is settled. Soap leave my room after that. I sighed before I went to take some clothes and gear for the mission. I saw the knife. He gave it to me after I graduated military studies. He said it is a tradition in his father's. Also, he told me that I can use it for missions. I barely used it for a while. I smiled softly behind my veil. I looked at the picture on the nightstand.

I went to the training room. I did not exercise for a week. I started stretching and warmed up. But I think about sparring.... Funny, why do I want to spar with men if I'm afraid of men? Well, Fang told me that he saw me as a different person when I became battle mode. I remember that, but that reason is because I hide my fear so I can fight these men. Fang and Price knew that. That reason, Price picked me for Task Force 141.

I sighed softly and looked around to see someone I could ask but I noticed Ghost walk in. I groaned in silence for a second before the idea appeared in my mind. I walk to him as I write down notes quickly before tapping on his shoulder as he glances at me. I showed him the note, "Wanna sparring? I want to know if you are good with hand to hand combat or not."

Ghost readed it before looking at me. "Alright."

I nodded before going to the mat, but I noticed my hands is shaked as I frowned.


"Your hands is shaked. Are you sure that you can handle it?" Ghost put his fighting position and ready for me.

I take a deep breath as I roll my hand to crack my wrists before putting on a fighting position and fists protect my face. He would notice my behavior is different. That means I'm in battle mode now.


Ghost and I kept fighting for a good 3 hours. I did take him down the first time, but after that, he took me down more than 5 times. It looks like he studies my moment to find my weakness. Which made me furious but stopped to remember we are in training, not in battle or mission. I sighed as I dropped my head on the ground, to try to gather my breath.

"You are not strong enough to take me down." Ghost taunted me because I glared at him before I got up and walked away.

Watashi wa yūrei ga kiraidesu... (I hate Ghost...*)

I went to my room and entered the bathroom. I turn the water on before closing and lock the bathroom. I rip my veil off and lean to sink as I look at the mirror.

You are not strong enough to take me down.

Ghost's voice stuck in my mind as I shook my head to try to rip that comment.

You are not strong enough to take me down.

You are weakness. You are useless for Fang. He will not save you.

I screamed in rage as I hit the mirror as soon as I heard the leader's voice appear in my mind that I want to forget.

Until I felt burn on my hand and wince as I looked down to see my hand was cut to bleed from the mirror. My breath is shaky and I close my eyes. "This fucking PTSD." I whispered and calmed myself down.

I took all my clothes off and went to take a shower. I sighed as I felt hot water that made my skin become pink. I wash and raise myself before getting out of the shower.

I went to my room and got clothes. I put a choker and a new veil on me. Since I ruined my veil by ripping it off. I wore black long sleeve turtleneck. I rolled my left arm while leaving my right arm covered. I got my black tight jeans with a tear knee hole. Then I pulled my boot that reached behind my knee. I got a purple vest on me. Last is a fingerless glove. But not on my right hand because I need to go to the medic room for a wound. But not leave my room without my journal with me.

I went to the medic room and asked the nurse for a bandage. She cleaned and wrapped my hand for me. I nodded thanks to her before leaving. I went to the living room to sit on the couch and look at the clock. It is 1100 hours. It is lunchtime soon. I pick my journal and write it down before anyone comes.

Dear Sophia

I just sparred with Ghost. He is good at hand to hand combat. I think he and I will have a good team. But he didn't know that I have PTSD because of his comment. If he knew that. Then I would be useless to this Task Force 141. Also, Gaz and Ghost don't know that Fang is my brother. But someday when I trust them I will tell them.


1206 words

*Japanese language

update: 1/25/2023

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