♡ Information ;

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{ I'll add things along the way as I see fit. }


NAME : Y/N L/N (comment your chosen names for this, I'm curious)

AGE : 15

BIRTHDATE : 24th October ( because that's mine, and I said so. Deal with it. )

HEIGHT : 5'8 , 173 cm at the start, though obviously you're gonna grow throughout the chapters.

GENDER : male ( cis )

PRONOUNS : he / him

SEXUALITY : gay. Gay as fuck. And probably Ace.

PERSONALITY : really hard to explain, hm..
Y/N over thinks a lot of things, while this can be good to figure things out quickly and is a good skill to fight with, it also means he's very anxious, and worries. If he adds even a little bit of uneeded anxiety, then his mind can rail off to something completely different. If that makes sense. He might think too much into the wrong thing.

He's very observant, especially to peoples faces relating to their emotions. The small details can tell Y/N how they feel, if it's a small waver in someone's voice, or an almost unnoticeable eye widen, he's able to guess how their feeling. He may not be right all the time, but he is for the majority.

Y/N is able to think quickly, able to come up with good and somewhat stable plans, and is smarter than he realises.

He also has anger issues, but the intensity will waver depending on what &/or who it's aimed towards. Small things tips him off, like not shutting the door behind you for instance..
anyway, I hope this all makes sense, I am quite terrible at explaining things.. it's the tism/j

He also naturally thinks very badly of himself.

Y/N's mind is a little oblivious and slow to process his own feelings, and romantic context's, and sexual/romantic jokes. Like "oh.. oH-" kind of realisation.. man, I don't know how to explain things?? Help-

Dunno where this goes so here's the best guess I have;
Panic attacks are things that Y/N often deals with, unfortunately. His body deals with it by freezing up, letting it focus on his mind and his mind only. Y/N has realised the habit that his body does and has subconsciously worked around it, finding a way to calm down by detailing things, usually either being people around him or his own feelings. If he pays his attention to other things than his worry and panic, then he is able to calm down.

sound is a big trigger to panic attacks. growing up in an environment where the bigger person would use sound to make themself stronger, it's adapted into his brain as sound = bad. like doors slamming, or glass smashing, small noises built up.

Most of the time, Y/N would rather be left alone, as it's more comforting. And being around people drains his energy quickly, having poor social battery— he doesn't like hanging out and it becomes awkward fast. He's not exactly the easiest person to get along with because of that.

He has quite poor skills with trust, he's just grown up in a life that plays into trust. Cough cough mother cough cough.

A way Y/N is able to calm down from the world is to draw, drawing takes concentration and it's a very calming thing for him. Over time, he's naturally become good at it, though his self doubt makes it hard to believe that. Vent art is also something that he's able to do so he can communicate his emotions, to regulate them when his stressed out but not in the way that causes panic attacks or anxiety attacks.

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