A Painful and Bloody Memory

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Just before the hand came down on you, you tried to ready yourself. But something happened. A memory came up, one you tried to suppress for years.  


In a luxury house. You, age 6, laid on the cold, dark, dirty basement floor. Only rags keeping you from freezing to death, but it doesn't stop the pain you feel. Suddenly a ray of brightness came shone into your face, followed by a large shadow. It was him. He was back. You felt a gush of warmth, as you were picked up, though it didn't last long. You were suddenly thrown against the hard cement walls. You coughed up blood as you felt some of your bones break. But this isn't the first time this has happened. You mustered all your will to get up, only to be pushed back down. 

"JUST TELL ME WHO YOUR FATHER IS." The man shouted at you.

"I-I, I can't say." You replied, so quietly the man almost missed what you said.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T SAY. I NEED TO KNOW SO I CAN BEAT HIS ASS TO THE FLOOR. YOU DUMB BITCH. OR DO I NEED TO BEAT YOU MORE TO GET WHAT I WANT." The man screamed back, throwing you to the other side of the room. This only caused you to cough up more blood and you vision starting to be a blur. 

You tried to say something, anything for him to believe you. But nothing came out. You'd already been in this hellhole for almost a week. "I guess this is where I die." Was what you thought everyday, every time this man came into the room.

"Just tell me, it ain't that damn hard. Or I'll kill you right here." He scoffed.

"Heh." You said under your breath. "Do it then." You shot him a glare, and he then had his answer to who your father was. But, by his facial expression... he got the wrong person. The wrong kid. 

"Scream or make any noise, and I'll be back." He quickly exited the room, horror still filled his eyes. Leaving you, bloody, beaten, and about to loose conciseness. 

You stood up, palm against the wall, steadying yourself. You shuffle your way to the window. The house was on uneven turf, so in the very back corner of the room, where very little sunlight and rain could come in. The window was small, and high up with a small puddle below it. Only rusted bars where in the way fro you and freedom. Using the little strength you had, you pushed a box that was too the side of he room to below the window, hopping up and trying to shake the bars loose. After a few minutes of the bars barely moving, you gave up hope for the day. You screamed your lungs out, hoping that someone could hear you. Just as you finish you scream, you foots slipped, and you feel a stinging pain at the back of your head. Everything fades to black. 

You wake up a few hours later, in a bright white room. Blinding you as you've been stuck in a dark, dingy basement for a week. Your wounds have been healed, with bandages all around you. More bandages are tightly wrapped around your torso. To the side of you is a boy, around your age. In a chair with blood staining his clothes and the soles of his shoes. 

"Hello?" You ask, trying to reach over to shake the boy awake. 

"Oh, you're awake?" The boy replied, gently grabbing your arm and pushing you back into bed. "You need to rest."

"What happened?" Asking the boy more questions.

"I heard your screams as I was walking outside. I saw hands disappear from the bars on the basement. I figured something was wrong so I went to check it out. The door to the basement is locked, so I had to break though the bars. After a few minutes of trying to break the bars down i did it. I threw the bars away and climbed in. I saw you, in a pool of your own blood. I brought you outside and ran to the nearest hospital. They had to perform emergency surgery on you. It's been about 5 or 6 hours since we first got here. The doctors said that you'll have scars on your torso, and a few on your arms and legs." The boy looked almost sad when he explained this. "You don't have to tell me anything, but I guessing this is what my dad's been doing when he goes to the basement. I'm so sorry. I didn't know what was going on."

You wanted to say something, but he continued.

"If I just knew what was going on then I could have stopped it. I-I... I could have done something to prevent all of this. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The boy repeated the words "I'm sorry" over and over and over. I feel sorry for him. Even thought he is the son of the man who tortures me... He doesn't deserve to feel this way. Without realising it I swung my legs off the bed, and pushed myself down. The cold tiled floors reminded me of the cold basement. But, this time, I knew I was safe. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. I felt tears on my shoulders before he buried his face into the crook of my neck. He started to cry even harder. 

After a minute or two, the you both broke the hug. You grabbed a tissue from the box that was nearby and start to dry his tears. He looked at you as if he had just felt kindness and love for the first time in a long time. And to be honest, You felt this emotions for the first time in a while too. Maybe this is why I hugged him without knowing... Cause I needed to feel comfort as well.  

Back to the present:

At that very moment, the memory flashed in your head. You wanted to fight this man, and you could take him down in a second. But, the way his hand was raised, the way he looked... It reminded you of the horrible man that had left you bloody and broken, only for his son to hep heal you up... You started to cry, but no one else had noticed this. Not Oliva. Not Guevara. Not the guard. Not the warden. Not the other prisoners. Not even yourself. Your fists that you had raised, began to lower. Like you accepting your fate, like you did oh so long ago. You wanted to shout or scream your lungs out, but that memory prevented you from doing so. As your fate may arrive even sooner than you thought. 

A wrist stops the prisoners and sends him flying back.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER OR YOU ARE DEAD!" The voice was filled with anger, you turn to the voice and...


Hehe. I know, I know I'm still leaving it on a cliffhanger, but I'll post the actual chapter either on Sunday or Monday. My school starts on Tuesday for some reason, so I'll get a chapter out before then. I also got Chinese homework to do that I haven't touched... DON'T BE LIKE ME. DO YOUR HOMEWORK.

Also, thank you for getting this book to 1K views!!! When I saw this morning I was shooketh. Thank you all for the love and support on this book, I really appreciate it. ❤️ I promise that I'll update soon and more anyone who doesn't know my "Schedule" it is:

1 chapter every week when school starts. (Most likely on a Saturday.)

1 chapter every other week when I get really busy cause of school or personal problems. (Like during test periods.)

Also, please message me for any ideas you would want to see, as I want to make a second OneShot book! So please comment or message me for any characters you want to see in that book or any scenarios you want to see with your favourite anime/movie characters. Also, if you do, then tell is if you are comfortable with me putting your username at the top fo people know where the ideas come from. I know some aren't comfortable with that, so please let me know!

Once again that you for the love and support. And I'll see you in the next chapter!

Baki Hanma x Fem! ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora