Chapter 4: "The Rumor Mill"

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Charlotte's Chic Temptations, LLC

Charlotte's Chic Temptations, LLC

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7:30 Pm

Mitchell sneaks down the sidewalk of Gentle Rain Drive... After a few sly movements, he stops at Charolette's boutique. And before he could even knock on the door, Charlotte snatches it open and yanks him in! The two then begin to passionately kiss as they take steps backwards.

A local man strolls along the same sidewalk. As soon as he passes by the boutique, he turns his head toward the glass and witnesses the unimaginable. Adultery between Charlotte DuPoint and Mitchell Carter Sr.! Shocked and appalled, the man stands there watching.

Up until Charlotte spots his shadow, as she is facing the front of the establishment! Anxious, the man quickly hides on the side of the glass. "Wait!" Charlotte tells Mitchell, as she pushes him off of her. She adjusts herself, before heading to the entrance... Nervous of getting caught, she snatches the door open and steps out onto the sidewalk!

Only to see no one there. "Who is it?!" Mitchell asks her from afar. "No one." She replies, as she heads back in and locks the door. She then shuts the blinds. Meanwhile, at the end of the strip, the man is sitting there, panting heavily, as he's shocked by what he saw. And from that moment on, the news spread like wildfire!


Marlton Fitness

Marlton Fitness

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7:25 AM

It spread at the gym... As Amyra and Chelsea discussed it. "Oh my gosh, are you serous?" Amyra asks Chelsea. "Girl! I'm telling you!" Chelsea replies.

Marlton Pâtisserie

Marlton Pâtisserie

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The Sins of Tomorrow: Book #1 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt