[4] Try Your Hardest

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And then the actual trials began. Your pitch was just a demonstration.

Iida, the boy you nearly barbecued, scored a quick time of 3.04 seconds in the fifty meter dash. You hadn't noticed the engines in his calves till now.

Perhaps.. he was a cyborg like you?

If he was, why was he so alarmed to see your ability? Was it because you nearly burnt him with it?

And then you remembered the info from the data file.

Iida Tenya. Species:


You felt a sinking feeling near your diaphragm, one that seemed to sap away at the energy you'd accumulated overnight.

This feeling.. What is it? You wondered this.

Upon seeing the sparkly blond kid zip across the track using a laser beam, you straightened up.

A cyborg, perhaps?

You didn't know it at the time, but.. you longed to at least know there was someone like you.

When the sparkly blond kid finished his turn, he conveniently informed, "If I keep shooting for longer than one second, my tum will collapse, you know."

You moved closer to the front. Ashido had beaten him without even using her Quirk.

You gave your loose hands a quick glance.

The only handicap to your boosters was overheating your arms when used for too long. The heat would also spread to your trapezi area.

Meanwhile, this guy was out if he used his Quirk for longer than a mere second.

Was he really a cyborg like you unknowingly hoped he was? The belt he wore went around the outside of his uniform, not inside.

Then perhaps he had some sort of artificial structure in place of the flesh of his stomach?

You didn't catch yourself making pitiful excuses.

Now, the angry, cherry-eyed guy was going against the shrub kid. How funny. You'd met the both of them on the same day.

The blond one left the shrub in his dust. Powerful explosions sent him across the finish line. Meanwhile, the other one kept running, panting and panting when he finished.

Midoriya, like Ashido, didn't use his Quirk, but his record wasn't as impressive as hers.

For your turn, you didn't go against anyone. You were the one kid making the class population an odd number.

You eyed the running equipment before getting into position. Melissa had conducted some running tests the week you woke up, so you remembered the procedure.

A robot a couple feet away from you announced, "Start!"

You went into a sprint. Your form was oddly.. stiff. It was weirdly similar to how Iida ran, although much less practiced and a lot less professional-looking.

6.38 seconds. Not bad for a technical thirteen-year-old who'd been in a coma for two years.

Next was the grip strength test. When you heard the octopus kid got a score of five hundred and forty kilograms, you glanced over.

You did not have any high expectations for yourself, but you hoped you would at least score decently.

"Hey, hey, creepy twin!" Referring to the resemblance in eyes, Ashido bounced over to you. "Try it already, won't you? You've been staring at the grip for years!"

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