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The Knife was raised to you back, as she got ready to do the finishing blow, a second passed and suddenly.


[ Time Skip]

You silently opened the door to your house as you quickly walked in. It had began to rain so you wanted to get the both of your inside as soon as possible. You shut the door and walked over to your couch. You placed Mickey down on one side, grabbing a blanket and putting it over her. You blushed a bit as you saw her peacefully sleeping with her cute smile. You then sat down next to her, picking up a book on the coffee table.

Y/N: sigh Why did I confess to her. . . she probably doesn't even feel the same way, she's a star. I'm just a sad human with issues.

You said out loud. You then opened it and began reading, but suddenly you heard a voice.

Mickey: N-No

You heard her say. You were confused, but then she suddenly shot up from the couch, clearly having a visible headache.

Y/N: You uh . . ok?

You asked.

Mickey: Y-yeah, yeah. . . Just feels like one hell of a hangover-

She then paused, turning to you. Her eyes then widened when she realized what she had done. She then quickly leaned over to you, basically jumping into your arms.

Mickey: I AM SO SORRY! 

She yelled as she buried her face into your chest. You patted her back as she was begging for forgiveness, suddenly she looked at you and kissed you on the cheek, thinking of it as something to hopefully convince you.

Y/N: Ahem Like I've said it's fine.

You said, trying to keep calm. She then smiled.

Mickey: really?

Y/N: yes.

She then grew a large smile as she held you tighter.

Mickey: Oh thank you sweetie!

She yelled as she nuzzled against you. You both the sat there for a while, she was happily in your embrace while you were the one this time trying to not pass out. Suddenly she looked at you with concern.

Mickey: so . . . . how are you alive?

She asked you hesitantly.

Y/N: You had a knife right?

You asked her.

Mickey: Yeah I was supposed to stab y-you.

She said. You then smiled.

Y/N: Well your plan failed successfully.

You said to her. You then reached into your pocket, pulling a small inflatable fake dagger.

Y/N: You just used this.

You then gave it to her, as she began laughing.

Mickey: I took a small amount of the syringe earlier today, I must have been phased a bit from the sudden intake, and got confused.

She said to you, hugging you tighter.

Y/N: S-so . . . now what?

Mickey: well . . . . since were alone and comfortable, I'm going to just do this already.

Sunday Night Salvation (Female Human Suicide Mouse x Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz