13 | A Rare Beauty

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Author's POV

Ayaan felt a sense of relief as he stepped out of his office café. Glancing at his watch, he saw it was only 3 p.m. He knew there were still fifteen minutes before the final round of the competition began, so he decided to head over.

He called Rajiv and informed him of his plan, instructing him not to inform anyone else. His mind was to make an appearance for his grandfather's sake and to avoid Mahira's inevitable complaints, but he wanted to avoid drawing any unnecessary attention too.

Settling into his car, he started the engine and drove towards st. Georgia, the competition venue, his mind already rehearsing the brief, polite interactions he would need to endure if he interacted with someone.

When he reached the school gate, he saw a swarm of paparazzi waiting outside, "The fuck with them." He cursed under his breath in frustration.

He very well knew that if they discovered his arrival, they would bombard him with unwanted questions, especially his personal life, and he really wasn't in the mood to play cool or polite. Nor He wished to risk ruining his image by being rude in public.

He quickly called Rajiv again, asking him to send someone to help him get inside the auditorium unnoticed.

Rajiv promptly sent someone, and when Ayaan saw the man approaching, he quickly put on his mask, cap, and glasses to hide his features. He then followed the man through the back door, successfully avoiding the paparazzi.

Once inside, Ayaan instructed the man to leave. And searched for seat, he found a vacant seat in the back, where it was dark, and removed his glasses. Settling in, he began to watch the show, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation.

On the other side, Priti was feeling incredibly nervous. She had thought she would be eliminated in the first round of the competition, but somehow, she had made it to the third round. Now, there were only ten contestant left, and her anxiety was increasing with each passing moment.

As she glanced at the other contestants, she felt her confidence plummet. They all seemed so composed and prepared, while she could barely think straight. But deep down, she knew she had to prove that being dark-skinned wasn't wrong.

She believed that skin color was just about the quantity of melanin and that everyone had unique features that couldn't be compared. She wanted to stand up and convey this message.

The announcer's voice broke through her thoughts, announcing the start of the third round. The girls began to ready themselves for their turns, and Priti took a deep breath, determined to make her voice heard.

Priti glanced at the list and felt a pang of disappointment upon seeing that her name was last, while Shreya was third to last. The first girl got up, and the third round began.

As each girl took the stage, delivering their performances to enthusiastic applause, Priti's confidence dwindled further. The more she listened, the more anxious she became.

Meanwhile, Ayaan watched with a critical eye. Every time he appreciated one aspect of a girl's performance, he found another that fell short. If someone had a great dress, he didn't like her style; if someone was beautiful, her dressing sense was off; if someone was confident, her humor didn't resonate with him. It seemed he was there just to find faults.

He knew the analysts on the panel were renowned in the fashion world and were doing their job well, which gave him some solace.

When it was Shreya's turn, she walked onto the stage with poise and confidence. She was undeniably beautiful, but Ayaan still found her sense of humor lacking. He couldn't help but feel disappointed, as he continued his search for the perfect performance.

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