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Back at the Agency, the others had settled in their new home. Friend was doing some training as usual, by then Skye the agent came out to see them.

"Hey, Friend, how's training?" She asks.

Friend sign with it being same old, same old, and asks what's up.

"Just a heads up, it gonna hit eight so the players will be waking up soon. See ya at the beach party late tonight" Skye said before heading back in.

Time skip

At that time, Friend and the others played more battle royal. Friend being a head then they're friends, while the others were having a hard time with the battles round (expect Dr. L). During that time Friend bump into Mancake, or kittymisty_829 as him. Hint the skins can talked with each other in secret too.

"Oh sorry there, you must be Friend, right?" Asking.

Friend did a thumps up emote as a yes.

"Huh, forgot that others talked that your mute. Gotta say you got skills like no other players, how's that whole agent thing?" Mancake said a bit kind?

Friend sign good as usually and with finding their other friends even better.

"Well that mighty fine news there, so I even heard you and Dr. L fella was hoisting a beach, right?" Mancake asks.

Friend nod to him.

"Well I just wanna asks if you wanna... go.. with me...TO THE PARTY, is what I mean!" Mancake panic while trying being cool.

Friend could feel themself blushing from this, it was so shocking with a Fortnite skin askin them out or them to the party. Doing a smile, answered a yes nod to him, in which surprised Mancake.

"You do!? I mean, okay glad to know that... well anyways, umm... see ya" before running from Friend with a bright blush on his face.

Friend silent chuckled at him then went to killing, but unaware that few Fortnite skins were watching the two's  conversation. And from the three's ways of looking at Mancake with an angry look, it wasn't pretty.

"Oh snap, Friend just got asks out" Raptor said very awe at that.

Meowscles who's claws were in the crates wood was very getting... feral from seeing his sweet jello getting asks by Mancake. Same with Hybrid who broke the fence with his grip, and with polar patroller who already crush the fence pole from seeing that.

"Oooohhhhh he is so dead" Dire said right after he and Raptor moved away from the now angered animals skins.

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