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He stepped out of the car and opened the car door on my side

- Jadon I'm not doing this .

I was still sat in the engine

- Yes you are

He said pulling me by the wrist , forcing me to stand up

He closed the door and turned off his car ,
before dragging me all the way to the office


We arrived at the reception .

I had a weird feeling in my stomach, although this was probably the best thing to do I couldn't help but feel nervous .
Jadon noticed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and stroke my upper arm gently in a reassuring way as he said :
"As long as I'm with you nothing can go wrong "

He was right , nothing could go wrong .

At that exact moment a police officer came up to us :

- Hello , how can I help you ?

I took a deep breath and answered

- I would like to report a crime ...


After several hours of examination , testimony and phone calls I'm finally able to go home .
They arrested Aaron with ease and even though he denied everything he's temporarely placed in detention.

A trial will be organized but it takes months so I have enough time to prepare myself ..


The next day

- Boy if you don't get your ass down here-

- Jesus ! I'm not gonna tell you twice we literally have the time so stop trying to stress me out !

An hour . It's been a fucking hour that I've been telling Jadon to bring his ass in here but this guy is still in the damn bathroom , probably trying on his hundredth outfit by now .

I wouldn't qualify myself as someone who always arrives hours early at the airport but I surely hate being in a rush .
And it's even more important today , I need to catch this flight before Aarons' homies come for me ...

Yes , I revealed everything on live last night .
Don't know if it was the best thing to do but I definitely feel better , I was so drowned by my emotions that I broke in tears in the middle of the live . I'm finally ready to move on and maybe even meet someone new who knows ?

- Okay I'm done .

I heard light footstep climbing down the stairs , man really took his time .

- Finally . I said grabbing my luggages

- Yo are you really gonna ignore the fit ?!

He was still standing on the last stair

I turned back at him with a heavy sigh before putting an ironic smile on my face

- There is absolutely no difference between the way you looked right after waking up and right now

- It's because you can't see it , but you know who will ? My future airport crush

- Can you behave as an adult for once ?

He jumped off the last stair to go grab his own luggage . I opened the door and stood in the hallway waiting for him to come out

- That's why you don't pull . He whispered to himself while passing in front of me

- Ay , you thought I didn't hear that?

- Hear what ? He said faking innocence

I started to run after him , dragging one luggage in each hand and in no time we found ourselves in the Uber .

I know that Jadon would never have ran if I wasn't chasing him , how childish is this dude


We arrived at the airport at 5 am and our flight is at 6:30 so we were pretty in advance .

We entered the large building and found a bunch of people already waiting for us . I'd say over a 100 fans and 20 paparazzis ; which is less than usual to me .
I mean I personally hadn't announce anything on social media , exept that Jadon arrived and I did see his post from last night captioned " I will miss u LA, back to London in 10 hours"
I guess it was easy to guess our departure time from that .

Jadon didn't seem to care much about the paparazzi, he did wave to his fans and sign a Manchester united jersey a fan was wearing . I pretty much did the same . I don't usually sign autographs but we didn't plan anything for the next two hours so I didn't mind losing time on that and seeing my fans is always a pleasure.

- So how are we gonna spend the two upcoming hours ? He said irritated

- Don't be mad at me bro , it's always better than being two hours late .
Let's do some shopping !

- saw that comi

We first went to get our tickets then headed to the shopping center, which was another building.
The airport was huge . With all those shops it looked like a mall .


After entering about 15 different shops and buying stuff in less than half of them , we got quite hungry .
After all we didn't eat anything before leaving.

After agreeing on getting breakfast we found a very cute cafe , where hopefully we could eat in peace .

- So ? What are your plans?

- My agency will try to put me in contact with some european brands and I also need a new manager , so I'll have a few days before actually starting work . I guess I'll just catch up with some friends and stay at my parents' for a bit .

- You need to meet the team sis

- What team

-England your idiot

- I don't know, wouldn't it be weird if I just show up like that

- Nah fam I got you . We're supposed to have a pre-euro party soon to set the mood . Most players will bring their girls and some friends , it's nothing official it's just us .

- You know I'm not into parties

- The guys are cool don't worry

- Is there anyone my age ?

To be honest I'm really not that sociable so I'm probably just gonna look for a buddy around my age and stick to them

- Well you're obviously gonna find someone among all the people there but on the team hmm . Phil's 21 , Jude , Jude is 3 years younger than me ? He said unsure

- 3 years ?! I found my people ! Does he have a girlfriend ?

- Already ? He asked a smirk on his face

- It's just to know if he'll be with someone during the party . You know I like to stay with one person , It would be hella embrassing if he had a girl

- Then stay with me ?

- Hell nah bro , you can't keep your ass sat . Always dragging me left and right to dab up some random people. I can't do this shit

-Yeah whatever I guess that's your way to make new friends.

- So ? Does he ?

- No that man gets no bitches , he's cute but akward as fuck . Just your type

- Fuck you . I said rolling my eyes

First Jude mention, it's starting fr

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