𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟

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Bʀɪᴏ POV

"Ivory...went inside a storage room?"

I sighed. I looked back at the group, they all had the same irritated and confused expression as me. I'm not even going to ask any questions. I gently opened the door. Inside, we saw Ivory on one knee sketching one of the many unlabeled exhibits.

"Ivory!" I exclaimed at our eccentric ocean-haired friend. She turned her head to look at us, she closed her sketchbook and put it back in her bag of unending space, and stood up to face us.

"Hello there!" she said with that familiar sickeningly sweet grin.

"Ivory, seriously, why would you just wander off this creepy storage area of all places?! You LITERALLY said a while ago that WE would wander off but look at the crap YOU pulled, you blue-haired idiot!" I complained while stomping towards her then jabbing my finger into her chest. She merely chuckled at me. Oh, how I want to wipe that smirk on her face.

"Don't avoid the question, Ivory!" Now, I was definitely starting to lose my temper.

"Put simply, I was curious and it was getting extremely difficult to resist," she chuckled.








"What. The. Hell. Ivory?!" I fumed. Seriously, Ivory can't be this stupid!

I continued scolding her and her face didn't change one bit. She still kept that sickeningly sweet grin on her face which irritated me even more. After a while of scolding Ivory, I felt Raymond tap me on the shoulder. I rolled my eyes, ignoring Raymond.

"Brio," Raymond grumbled. I stopped scolding Ivory and sighed. "What is it, Ray?" I grunted. I turned around to face him.

"We already found Ivory! Let's just get out of here!" Raymond complained. I simply nodded while rolling my eyes. I gestured to Ivory to follow us out. With my eyes averted to the floor, I started walking forward towards the door.

...or so I thought.

"Uh, B-Brio, if you were planning on getting outside, why are you going further inside?" Ivory slightly stammered. I would have brushed her comment off if it wasn't for Ivory slightly stammering. When Ivory stammers, it usually means that there is something wrong.

I stopped in my tracks and averted my eyes away from the floor and looked forward. I didn't see the door. My eyes widened. I whipped my head around to find the group staring at me. I saw the door. "I could've sworn that I was heading to the door..."

I then turned to the door and started walking towards it. But just as I took the first step, I felt a force of some sort take hold of me. I looked down and saw that the force that took hold of me was a dark smoke that came from the darkness of the room.

"ARGH!" I screamed. I started flailing my arms everywhere to try to get out of this force's grip. I couldn't even reach for my spellbook.

"AGH! WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?!" I heard Ivory yell. I looked around to see the rest of the group caught in the same mess of dark smoke. Marcus and Raymond were trying to shake their way out, Temari and Gwen were both too stunned to know what to do, Ivory was trying to reach into her bag (presumably to get her spellbook), and Basil was flipping through the pages in his spellbook in a panic.

"IVORY, WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Marcus accused.

"THIS ISN'T ME YOU IDIOT!" Ivory yelled in reply.

The force then started to pull us further into the darkness of the room. There was really nothing any of us could do but keep our eyes shut.




I then felt my body hit the ground and heard the rest of our party follow. All of us letting out a few exasperated grunts.

We all opened our eyes to find ourselves in a completely different hallway. We all stood up so we could properly analyze our surroundings. Bedroom doors on the left, windows on the right. Is this some private mansion or something?! I turned around to find the stupid door we entered in. I approached the door and tried to open the door but it was almost as if it was locked. I turned to look at the rest.

"How does a museum have a built-in mansion?" Gwen pondered, positively baffled.

"I doubt that this is connected to the Louvre, Gwen," Temari answered, just as confused as her.

"See, Ivory! If you literally just stuck with us, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Marcus reprimanded, his face only a few inches away from Ivory's face.

Surprisingly, Ivory's face held an extremely calm expression along with a smirk. "Okay, okay. I get this is my fault and I deeply apologize for getting all of us in this mess," Ivory calmly apologized, Her and Marcus' faces only a few inches apart. "Now, Marcus, can you please get your face out of mine. I don't know if you have noticed, but I really like my personal space and you have invaded it completely."

Marcus rolled his eyes and scoffed. He then stepped away from Ivory's face. Ivory's smirk never wavered. "Whatever, let's just get out of here," Marcus groaned. He grabbed the door's handle and pulled. His expression soon changed from irritable to shock when the door didn't open. He then pulled on the handle harder but the door still didn't open.

"Marcus, don't even try. It's locked," I bluntly stated.

"Don't be ridiculous, Brio," he retorted. He soon ate his words when he tried opening the door and failed.

This really has been such a strange day...

3ʀᴅ Pᴇʀsᴏɴ POV

A gentleman from Paris sat in his room waiting for the time of the night's banquet with the rest of the residents.

"Sebastian, a moment please." He requested.

"Yes, Monsieur?" The butler, Sebastian, responded.

"It seems that there are seven unexpected young guests. I want to be sure they receive our best hospitality. Please see there are places set for them at the banquet." The gentleman explained.

"As you wish." The butler accepted, gladly.

"Much appreciated, Sebastian. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must inform the other residents about our new guests," the gentleman stated, walking away heading towards the dining room.







When the gentleman reached the dining room, all of the residents who could make it were seated at the dining table. The gentleman sat down and cleared his throat and all of the residents turned to him.

"I would like to inform you all that we will have seven guests join us tonight. So I hope you all will treat them with the utmost respect." The gentleman explained.

Some of the residents seemed bothered by this news while others seemed to be curious about the mysterious guests. They would just have to wait for them. 

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