Cute Hubby Jin × Wifey Y/N

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Jin & Y/N have been married for almost two years now though they had not lived together for a long time, Jin after a week of his marriage decided to go for his mandatory military service as he's friends were going around the same time and also he was 30 so it was high time for him to leave.

Y/N since beginning is living with Jin's parents who treat her very well as a daughter-in-law. Though they had gifted them a new house on their wedding which was an arranged marriage fixed by y/n & Jin's moms, she didn't want to live alone.

However, there's only a fortnight left in Jin's return and thus Y/N's in laws suggested her to go back in the new house for making arrangements for his comeback.

So here is y/n who has just arrived in her blue car and the driver and other maids around there are taking her luggage inside the house. She is standing outside admiring the beauty of the house with her sparkling eyes, feeling as if finally a new chapter of her life is starting and she's nervous and excited to read it.

She doesn't really know Jin as a person, though as he's a famous model, several articles and blogs are available to read about him but she knows nothing about him as a person, as a husband, Jin's mom though talked alot about him, his likings and dislikings which are surely of a great help to her, she use to tell her how he is a sweet and optimistic person, that has already melted y/n's heart, she couldn't help but fall for him only by listening about him. The looks are never important to love someone truly either but she never actually even had a conversation with him and has already fallen makes her feel stupid and scared at the same time, scared to think what if he's not what she's imagining, or may be she herself is not enough for her.

She never really had a relationship before her few b!tchy friends, some judgemental people of this perfection freak society were enough to make her insecure and have trust issues.

(After 14 days)

Jin arrived today, his parents were here too to welcome him after the long time. They spent the day together, Jin's mother especially was so overwhelmed, that she pampered him to no limits, she cooked him lunch & dinner and then fed with her own hands till the time Jin was out of breath because of eating so much. They were all laughing, nagging, enjoying like a happy family, y/n couldn't help but feel blessed to be a part of such a cute family, after all her family was never so sweet, they were rich, popular (as her dad's businessman) but not happy. They had everything to live a luxurious life but nothing to leave a contented life.

(Time skip)

Jin's parents already left after the dinner, now y/n and Jin were left alone in a thin air of awkwardness. Y/N was in their shared bedroom, scrolling through her phone while sitting on the bed when she hear the door being knocked assuming it to be one of the maid she plainly replied "come in" but was shocked to see Jin entering the room and she nervously spoke "a-y-you need not to knock D-dangshin it's y-your r-room too" she said stuttering.

"But as it's your too so I have no right to invade your privacy" he said with a cheerful smile," and also you can take my name I mean if you want to... I really have no problem, I know my mother must have told you to not take the name but it's really ok to me" he said sheepishly making her heart flutter," umm-are you ok, you are turning red? " Jin asked sounding serious & sincere not understanding y/n was blushing with just the thought of him being near her.

"I-I am f-fine J-Ji-Jin" she said bringing the courage to utter his name.

He laughed before saying "My name is Jin and not Jjijin" he said trying to make her feel light understanding how nervous she's.

"You really need not to be formal after all neither we are here to interview nor fo judge each other, just be yourself y/n" he said smiling sweetly and lying down beside her sitting frame facing her placing his hand under his head and looking at her in a way never she ever remember someone else had ever have. His eyes carried adoration, sincerity, commitments, hope and faith.

She suddenly felt herself being teary and Jin panicked before pulling her into his warm embrace hiding her in his chest as if protecting her from the cruel world.

"D-did I said something wrong y/n I-I am really sorry I was just" he was cut off with y/n's lips touching his in a slow yet sensual manner, he realised she was kissing him and he immediately passionately kissed e/o. Y/N never knew where in the world did she get so nuch of courage to initiate something this big but she knew if he was with her, she had all the strength of all the worlds to do anything and everything.

~The end~


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