Chapter Sixteen: Its a Girl! 1/2

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This guy was no good. "We're friends." He says between gritted teeth clearly getting tired of this man being nosy. I didn't blame him, his intentions with knowing all this weren't clear. Why did he care about mine and Harley's relationship or lack here of?

"Oh, perfect then." He turns his body to face me, so I assume he is about to ask me something. "Want to dance?" I grow tense and a little fidgety, wishing the floor would swallow me hole.

"She can't dance." Harley's smirk falls for the first time as he steps in front of me. "Get lost, Eric. She's not going to be another name in your booklet jackass." That escalated quick, curiosity had me wondering what booklet Harley was talking about, but I didn't care enough to ask I was glad that he was taking care of it for me because I have a really tough time telling people know but my skin was already itching thinking about that man's hands on me.

"Geeze, no need to be so defensive. She's taken got it." He glows out between his lips before walking away from us eyeing the room for another target. He was a player; I assume, and the booklet just be a list of all the woman he slept with in the past. I really wanted to gag at the thought.

"Enjoying yourself?" Harley turns around and ask me with a small grin on his face. "The place is beautiful, isn't it?"

I nod happily taking in the decorations once again shocking myself with the amount of dedication it took to put this all together.

"It is and yes I am."

"I'm glad, you've been stuck in that house all week. You deserve some fun." It's true the week stuck in the house has been stressful but part of me is glad that Harley is so protective of me because I know that I would have gone to work and been falling asleep making cakes. Thats the majority of what I did this week was sleep away the train wreck of emotions before I ended up exploding.

"Want to dance?" He asks me and I give him a quizzical look.

"You just told that man I can't dance. If I go dance with you now ..." He cuts me off as he starts tug me into the see of partiers dancing with their partner or friend.

"What? He's going to get mad. Fuck him." Harley declares as he pulls me to him roughly, hands on my upper hips. The impact knocks the air out of my lungs, and I suck in a quick breath trying to gain it back, but I can't. I can't because Harleys exhales against my forehead let me know that he's in his head again.

He starts to sway us in an even rhythm easy for me to pick up on. "You're so beautiful. I can't keep my eyes off of you. I just had to ..." He tightens his grip and pulls me impossibly closer. "Had to ... feel you."

I lose all focus on morals and let a small gasp escape me as I drag my hands up, so they are wrapped around his neck instead on dropped over his shoulders. "Harley .." It was a warning that he was making me feel things that weren't appropriate, but he ignored it.

"Your hair has this red shine to it that I haven't seen before." He tugs at the end of my long locks and my head tilts up, my stomach clenches with arousal. I need to end this before my body got a taste of something that could never be ours. I didn't want to ruin my expectations on my love life in the future because I was positive that no other man was going to make me feel like Harley is making me feel right now.

"Your eyes ..." He tugs the hair back further so that our gazes lock and we would be blind if we didn't see what was going on here. He seen it; I see it in his gaze, but Harley doesn't seem to be operating in self-control mode tonight. He seems ready to risk it all. "They grow so big when you see something that interest you, making you look so innocent." He lowers his head to my ear.

"Are you innocent, sweets?" I shiver and tighten my grip on him until my chest pressed up against his.

"Your lips always part when I say something I'm not supposed to. Like how my hands fit perfectly around your waist." True to his word my lip's part and I blow out a breath of arousal filled air along his jaw. I never realized that Harley was paying so much attrition to me, did I intrigue him as much as he did me.

"Harley .." I warn him again and he loosens his grip slightly.

"Don't worry sweets. I'm just ..." His words get cut off by Mr. Ivory making his presence known. I pull away from him blushing a crimson red, had he seen all of that, I sure hope not. there was no telling what the scene looked like from the outside looking in.

"Elizabeth wanted me to invite you two to the exclusive party up top." He says quickly, he seems a little buzzed, slurring his words here and there.


"We would love to." Harley was going to reject the offer, but I was dying to get away from all of these people.

Mr. Ivory's face lights up and starts to guide us upstairs.

"You're not going to like upstairs." Harley has this smirk of 'knowing something you don't' on his face and suddenly I'm debating whether or not I should have excepted the invention.

"Why?" I ask curiously. What could be so bad about leaving all of these people behind?

"You'll see." Was the only think he said, and I want to protect and tell him to prepare me, but we are already at the top of the staircase and my questions are answered on their own.

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