"Noooo! Lani! Get yo man!" Lynni screamed through laughter to me. "I'm not making you anymore peach cobbler!"

"Aye, you gonna make my peach cobbler." Junior scoffed.

"If you stop, I'll think about it!" Chrislynn laughed.

"All I know is, I better have a peach cobbler, or you ain't leaving my house!" Junior warned.

I could hear Zay and Lynni cracking up. "How you gone make me make you something?" Lynni laughed.

"You already didn't bring me nothing." Junior faked a pout.

"Oh alright, you big baby!" Chrislynn chuckled.

I sat in the bed with my thirty two inch poboy, deep in thought. All day, Junior hasn't said a word to me, not even asking if I was ok, and now he's as livelier as ever. I stroke my belly and sigh. I really don't feel like eating right now.

"You better make me one too." Zay snickered.

"Oh my goodness, you're both big babies!" Lynni laughed.

I can hear them all having fun, laughing, joking. Especially Junior. I rise from the bed and make my way to the kitchen.

"Lynni, I did the potato salad," I called out. "The only things that need to be done are the dirty rice, macaroni, baked beans, and I've already done the batter for Zay's cupcakes."

"Ok, cool, are you feeling better?" Lynni asked, starting on the macaroni sauce.

"Not really," I replied as I approached the counter. I glanced at my husband, then turned my head back, looking down. "I'm sure I'll be fine. It's probably just the babies."

"Here." She poured me a full glass of water. "Drink up." She knitted her brows at me, stirring the cheese. "Really Lani, what's wrong?"

"It's really nothing Lynni, don't worry," I chuckled nervously.

She sighed, "Lani..." She released an extended exhale, "Alright, I'll leave you alone, but you can talk to me about anything you know." She poured the strained macaroni in a dish then started on the rice.

I blew a breath in the air. "Fine, come on." I grabbed her arm, then led her to the backyard. We each picked a lawn chair, and sat down. I sighed. "It's Junior."

She nodded, "What's up?"

"Everything was fine, until last night," I sighed. "Ever since then, he's been so distant. He hasn't spoken to me, asked me how I'm doing, nothing." A tear threatened to shed. "This is how it started with Jed."

"Do you mind telling me what happened last night?"

"No it's fine," I sighed. "I was telling him how grateful I am to him and Libby, and he asked me where did that come from. So I mentioned to him about a conversation Libby and I had whereas she admitted to me that she still loved him, which I told her I knew. She asked me was I upset at her and I told her no, cause no matter who you are with, when you are truly in love with someone you just can't turn that feeling off." I took a breath. "I told her I know exactly how that feels."

She nodded, "I see. Go on."

"So he asked me do I feel that way about Jed, and I told him no." I looked up at the sky, and took another breath. "I told him I felt that way about him, and that's when everything started. The baby was crying, and he said he was going to get him, and I didn't see him until this morning, and he never uttered a single syllable." A tear started to fall.

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