chapter twenty three - eerht ytnewt retpahc

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+++Note, to those who read Super Bad, some parts are kinda in here because I really liked the way I wrote it and I wanted to put that scene in here and I don't like putting good writing to waste :P+++

"Isaac shouldn't be here," I said. I carefully looked over, spotting nothing suspicious.

"I know," Grim said. "But your dad said this was where Cameron wanted to meet."

"For the gang leader of the Eagles you'd think he'd make a smarter choice under our"-I glanced at Isaac who gazed up at the flashing billboard signs-"special circumstances."

We were practically bathing in human activity, the greasy street food smell and car fumes clinging to our clothes. The city folk shouldered their way through the crowd like the rest of us and their constant dismissal of abnormal things relaxed me. I mean, the three of us were wearing hooded trench coats in the middle of June.

"He does know if Isaac is greatly exposed to human activity, then the Purge will transfer again," I told Grim.

The walking signal started and we moved with the herd as they crossed, quickening our pace to not get trampled. "Only if Isaac can find someone who he has a connection with," he added.

Isaac the only thing I thought of at that moment, I grabbed him by his one shoulder and made him walk between Grim and I.

Staying close, Grim turned into a stairway and I heard him say a short, "Here."

I glimpsed up at the skyscraper, it touching the skies with its tall glass windows.

Grim entered through the spinning doors and I shoved Isaac into the next opening, following after to easily exit out. Grim and I ended up in the lobby but Isaac wasn't with us. Fear seeped into my system and we both whipped around to find Isaac trapped in the spinning doors.

Grim groaned. "C'mon."

Isaac missed his exit again, the doors forcing him to walk in circles. He tried again and missed the opening. He banged his nose off the glass.

Grim said, "I find this very hard to believe he's Hell's Personal Purge."

The doors spun again and with frustration and furrowed brows, Isaac made the leap and crashed through the spinning door. Glass was thrown everywhere, it shattered across the ground.

People dressed in office wear stopped what they were doing and stared at Isaac who stumbled to regain himself. Clearing his throat, he straightened up and he cleared his throat, giving us a wave to keep moving.

Security guards quickly took action and advanced but then a voice said, "Stop. They're with me."

Cameron, leader of the gang Eagles, had an impassive mask on and motioned us towards the elevator. I observed his tanned skin that was mostly covered in a white suit, matching pants and shoes that put the word 'fancy' out of business.

We hastily followed him into glass made elevator, it translucent in all four walls. The elevator began its ascent and I began to see the black nothing below us get farther and farther. Our height increased and my toes tingled at the visible ground underneath. I forced myself to look forward and gaze at the city. It felt ugly once my human emotions were kicking up again.

"Where is the dark angel?" Cameron, the gang leader, asked.

Grim puts his hands in front of him, holding them together. "Levi? At the camp, helping them prepare." It sickened me how professional he made himself seem. Demons weren't professional.

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