Clue's and Boo's

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Rusalka's (Ash) Pov

I entered the house and thought about what I had heard.They or just Charlie in this case won't let this go.
Just because of my demon type.Yeah Wendigo's may have a bad history but after decades, she doesn't want a Windigo in her sight.
Sure most of them are ruthless and might do things wrong but some are different.
I couldn't even understand why it had to be me.After all the research I've done in hell.
No other Wendigo was chased or hunted down by the Morningstar's.
I sat on the couch and stared at the roof.
At this moment I knew I had to do something about Charlie or Ryan.
And I don't want to hurt either of them.Sure Charlie might be hunting me down but she's a kind person at heart.
While Ryan he was mistreated when he was a child.He just needs love.
But there was nothing I could do for Charlie.
Not even to change her.But for Ryan I knew I could do something.
Getting up from the couch I grabbed paper and wrote on it.

Dear Mom,

     I'm going to figure out my own problems. Yes I'm doing it for once.I may ask experts on the way but it's the only way I could get rid of them.

I wrote and left out the front door.All I knew I could do was enter back in hell.
It was the only way.
Going to the woods I walked though the white snow.

I guess I have to do this huh?I'm not little anymore.I can do this, I can solve my own problems right?

Then I stopped in front of the tree.Putting my hand on the bark I stepped in.Slowly sending me back to hell.
The pain in my head woke me up.Rubbing my eyes I found myself back in the woods of hell.
Getting up I started to walk out of the woods.
But, Charlie thinks I'm still on earth.Which I'm not.
Entering the streets of hell I had no place to go.I knew I had to get to someone somehow.
There was no other option but of me to go back to the hotel.
Walking to the hotel I was all of a sudden dragged into a alley way.
Turning around to see it was Alastor.

"Alastor what the-"I said while getting cut off by his hand covering my mouth

Seeing people run by he took his hand off.

"It's for your own safety"He said quietly

"What the hell did Charlie do?"I asked him concerned

"She is searching for you either dead or alive only to take you to her father"Alastor explained

"Al I appreciate your help but I was actually going to her"I said

"I'll take you to her but here wear this"Al said handing me a jacket
"Put the hood on"

I nodded and we both walked out of the ally way.After a while we both made it to the hotel.

"She's in there I'd advise you to be careful"
Al said before walking away

Knocking on the door my heart started to pound.Then I heard a faint 'come on'.
Opening the door I saw Charlie, she looked pissed.

"If you didn't find that Windigo I don't want you here!"I heard Charlie yell

"Charlie I am the wendigo"I said while closing the door.

Charlie looked up and I took of the hood.

"Where the hell have you been!"She said standing up from her desk.

"Listen hear, once you found out I was a wendigo you went fuckin crazy!So I ran away and I decided to come back.So I basically made it easy for you!"I explained

"Fine, thanks I guess.But I'm taking you to my father!"She said

"Is there a reason why?"I asked

"That child,he needs to go!"She yelled

"Ryan?"I questioned since it was his name

"If that's the kids name then yes!"She said now grabbing my hand and dragging me to a car.

"This car will take us to my father's so don't worry"She said a bit more relaxed

"Hmm okay"I said

I knew if they were going to get rid of the kid.
I know it's going to be bad.

Hey guys sorry for not writing in a while.
I had other stories in mind and I got carried away.but I'm here I'm going to attempt to keep writing.
And I do this right before I start school too yay!
But anyways I hoped you enjoyed the short chapter!
Happy 2023 y'all!
Thank for reading I appreciate it now I'll start to make the next chapter!

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