Nurse : Good evening Mrs.Rika you finally woke up , I see...It's assuring us all .
Rika : Where..I am..?
Nurse : In the hospital ******* , You got badly injured and it may cause some of your bones deplaces but everything is back to normal for you! Just be careful with your moves.
Rika : I'll try cause i'm an energetic personnality...
Nurse : We all know that Mrs Rika. But you need to put some efforts..
Rika : Hm..

She noticed the two sleeping on the chairs .

Nurse : Oh Mrs Raifort and Mr Grusha din't left the hospital once sonce you got in!
Rika : hm...
Nurse : Do you want something to relax you more Mrs Rika?
Rika : Yes please..and can I get a drink...My voice is starting to screwing up.
Nurse : We'll get you that with a little food for you!
Rika : Thank you...

The nurse left the room , Rika tried to sat but she couldn't without some help , that's when Rika felt someone helping her to adjust her comfortably in the hospital bed , it was...Grusha he woke up when the Nurse left , he smiled and was relieved Rika was okay.

Grusha : Rika! I'M GLAD YOUR OKAY!
Rika : Shh! Little Rai is sleeping..
Grusha : Since she knew what happened she couldn't stop crying..
Rika : Oh..? Casual bestie.
Grusha : She asked if you'll be okay , if you'll wake up soon...
Rika : Well here i am now!
Grusha : hm...She gonna cry of happy tears when she'll wake up.
Rika : Can you put her on my bed next to me.? I feel like she is doing a nightmare and I don't want her to wake up so sudden...
Grusha : Alright
Rika : Thank you!
Grusha : No prob!

Grusha put Raifort next to her , Raifort hugged softly Rika , feeling the warmth she felt so much better in her sleep . Grusha giggles . Rika looks at Grusha she smiled .

Rika : Hey Grusha...There is some place for you next to me on the left.
Grusha : You want me to sleep next to you?-
Rika : Well if you feel like it!
Grusha : Well okay..
Rika : sweet..
Grusha : It feels secure here.
Rika : I know it does.
Nurse : I am ba- Ohh you three are so cute like that!
Rika : Thank you Raifort is my little bestfriend we knew each since she was born .
Grusha : Weren't you two years old when she was born?
Rika : I was. But age don't count for this!
Grusha : Hm...
Nurse : Here a soft biscuit with an glass of hot milk .
Rika : Thank you..
Grusha : Want help to drink?
Rika : Uh..If you don't mind...
Grusha : Open your mouth...
Rika : Ah...
Grusha : Tell me when you stop.
Rika : Hmph !
Grusha : Good?
Rika : Yeah...
Grusha : Anyways...
Rika : What happened about the gyms? And..and..
Grusha : Chill..all gyms are closed until you don't recover.
Rika : I.....Alright but what about..
Grusha : oh by the way Geeta is gonna leave her tittle soon.
Rika : Her no master?!
Grusha : Yeah.
Rika : Who will take her tittle ?
Grusha : A man named Vixx .
Rika : ....
Grusha : I know that it will make you the only woman of the league...But
Rika : I'm afraid..
Grusha : Wh..What why?
Rika : About that new master..
Grusha : Don't worry Nocturn , Hassel and Larry are here to helps you if your in danger!
Rika : Hm...
Grusha : What?
Rika : Where is my phone?
Grusha : Why?
Rika : Where is my fucking phone.
Grusha : Here.

Rika called Geeta .

Geeta : alright who the fuck is calling me at this hour.... Rika?!- Shouldn't you be recovering instead of calling people past midnight!
Rika : I wanna be a multi-type specialist user elite four and be the third one to fight .
Geeta : Your telling me this at this hour?! Damn...If if say yes will you stop the call?
Rika : Yes.
Geeta : Then fine...
Rika : And I head about the new master thing.
Geeta : Oh okay. We'll deal with it tomorrow.
Rika : B-
Geeta : Take care of Rika , okay , Grusha?
Grusha : Yes I will...
Rika : I will not forget about it! I'l never forgive you for this!!
Grusha : Shush!-

The mhone call ended , Rika and Grusha watched some videos until they fell asleep on the hospital bed . The next day Rika got out of the hospital she ordered Grusha and Raifort to catch her the pokemons on the list :
-Violet Ceruledge

Wich she got them in no times , Rika entered back in the league she din't look even at Geeta , Nocturn , Marry or Hassel she entered directly her zone and she sat on her desk chair . And began to work when Hassel entered the room . She was a bit grumpy about that but she tried to not mind it .

Hassel : Soo..Let's do it quick , Yes Geeta is leaving and yeah Nocturn accepted to be the first elite member to fight . And the new master gonna come today , even tho if your injured try to make good impression .
Rika : Hm...

Hassel left the room , Rika's Gallade hugged her not tight wich made Rika smiles . And making her forgot about her old team and her useless type .

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