4|Her vulnerability

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Priti's POV

I was ready to get out of the car, but he caught my wrist and pulled me toward him.

Before I could understand what was happening, his lips were already on mine. He kissed me madly, venting his frustration. It wasn't a kiss but more of a brutal bite, sucking my lips from time to time.

My breath caught in my throat; I felt suffocated in his hold.

He was chewing my lips brutally, his hands starting to explore my body.

There was a time when I longed for his touch, and now I want to die because he is touching me. What an irony! I was a foolish teenager back then, head over heels for a man out of my reach. But was it my fault? No, it was all fault of the shine that blinded me, The shine that made me feel I can be Queen.

He left my lips and twisted my hands behind my back in a painful grip.

But I was too devastated to say anything. I just glimpsed into his eyes, which were as blank as a sunny sky.

He didn't break our eye contact and ordered his driver, "Get inside."

The driver quickly got into the car and asked, "Sir, location?"

"Hospital," he replied bluntly, and tears flowed out of my eyes after hearing his words, but I didn't avert my gaze from him.

It was the 'hospital' that led me to him, from where this dirty game of lust had started, the place that marked the destruction of my happiest life and the beginning of his vicious revenge.

I knew this was my last chance for freedom. If I wanted to be free, I had to do something. I couldn't stay silent.

I glanced at him, debating with myself, and decided to act on what came to my mind.

I moved closer to him, not leaving any gap between us.

Slowly, I encircled my shaking hand around his neck and bent down towards his face, touching his nose with mine. My chest was heaving up and down in fear, slightly brushing against his.

I never thought my feelings for him hadn't died yet. My tears were falling on his face, making his cheeks wet. I had always wanted to read him, understand him, and feel his pain. But whenever I thought I knew him, he proved me wrong.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked, trying to hide how much his madness and vengeance had broken me.

"What?" he replied in a plain tone, not moving away from me.

He held my waist in a bruising grip and pulled me closer to himself, and I almost felt my lower part coming in contact with his lower one.

I was sure he knew what I was going to say. Of course, he knew. But his eyes were blank. He had the habit of playing sick games and would wait for me to let out everything.

"I loved you once with my whole heart and more than my life, Ayaan, but now I hate you with that same heart. The worst part is that I hate you more than I ever loved you."

His hold tightened around my waist with every word. He was hurting me badly, not physically but emotionally, pretending that my words were affecting him when they never did.

Why is he behaving like my words are impacting him when they never did? Why is he showing emotion that he never felt towards me and was fake? Everything was a game for him, wasn't it? Yes, it was.

My love was a joke to him. He was joking with me all the time. He only wanted my body and his fucking revenge.

But what about my heart? He never thought before breaking it.

Mad For Her #1 (LL SERIES ) #1 |18+ √Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang