Ch.11 Illegal gambling

822 44 3

~Y/n pov~

Recently, everyone had been gambling online.

It was all people every talked about these days.

As soon as break came around, majority of people were taking out their phones and sitting in groups, making bets.

I rested my head against Jinsung's shoulder as he stared blankly into space.

It had been pretty peaceful these days but my body constantly ached from the intense training.

My arms and legs ached but it was necessary if I wanted to be how I used to be.

I found myself staring at the back on Jaeyeol's head as he stared out the window.

After a few minutes, he turned around and noticed me staring.

He waved his hand in front of my face with a look of confusion.

I simply blinked tiredly at him in response.

The blonde smiling, moving to pat my head.

I leaned into the touch, my whole body feeling warm.

Jinsung grumbled, moving his arm to my waist as my body slumped forward.

Lately I'd also been having lunch with Jaeyeol, Jinsung, Haneul, Mijin and Hyungsuk.

A weird combination or what used to be considered weird.


It was late at night when I got a call.

I was just leaving the dojo but I didn't have an umbrella, I forgot.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Are you still out?" Jinsung asked.

"I was just about to head home." I answered while looking at the rain pouring down from the sky.

Jinsung sighed, "You shouldn't be out so late. Meet me at the convenience store. Little Hyungsuk wanted something."

He hung up abruptly after that.

I guess I should go.

I'll probably be soaked by the time I get there but I can at least get an umbrella for the way back.


My body shivered as my clothes clung to my form.

I was soaking wet.

Pushing open the door, there was a group of people already gathered around Hyungsuk.

Soojung, Jiho and some random lavender haired kid.

"You're soaked." Hyungsuk exclaimed.

Before I could respond, the sound of the door opening startled me as I stepped further inside to let them in.

Jaeyeol looked surprised when he saw my soaked appearance.

He had a panicked expression as he shook his coat off and placed it over my shoulder, pulling a towel out of seemingly nowhere and drying my hair.

The purple haired kid looked excited to see us as he grinned.

The door slammed open as Jinsung walked in, "What do you losers want?"

The dark haired boy also panicked when he took in my shivering form.

The lavender haired kid seemed disappointed to see him.

"Oh yeah, Koji. Why did you ask to call my friends? Is there a secret purpose?" Hyungsuk asked curiously.

"Not really. I don't have any friends. No one likes me because I'm rude." The kid stated bluntly.

Ordinary | Lookism various x reader (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora