Chapter 2: School

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The alarm was beeping and Y/N is still asleep. A few minutes later Xiolen woke up due to her alarm and walks to Y/N's room. Xiolen wakes her up. "Bro I'm sleeping can't you see," Y/N said turning around still trying to sleep. "Girl you got to school." Xiolen yawns and still tries to wake her up. "School... Later okay Xio." "No wake up". Xiolen takes off the sheets of the blanket making Y/N cold." "Oh my fucking god fine jeez I'm awake gosh." Y/N gets off the bed and smacks Xiolen on the side of his face. "Wow smacking me for no reason." "No it's because I'm tired ." Y/N yawns scratching her back of her head, heading towards the bathroom. "Well better hurry okay." Xiolen exits out of her room and to the kitchen. Y/N brushed her teeth and fix her hair (or not you choose I don't really care). She thought about wearing her school uniform for her first day. "Fuck it I'm not wearing that. I wanna be comfortable so I'm staying in my PJs." Then she walks out of her bedroom and heads towards the kitchen. She sat on the table with for her cousins to make bacon and eggs (or anything really). Xiolen finishes making her breakfast and puts it on the table. Then he finished making him and sat in front of her.

"So you're not going to wear the school uniform?" Xiolen questioned her while eating his breakfast. "No, because I just wanna be comfortable for my first day that's all. Tomorrow I'll wear it I promise alright." "I don't really care what you wear for school but education is more important than wearing shit to school." "So you rather be naked then?" Xiolen spat his milk in front of Y/N making a mess. "Ew no the fuck Y/N." "Pfft, but you said the school is more important than wearing shit to school." "Anyways I'll pick up the plates and you just walk to this school called Jae won high school, here I'll send you the GPS to walk there." "Alright, thanks Xio I'll see you later when I get back." Y/N walks out of the house.

Y/N's pov:
"GPS signal lost". What the hell? This is a great start to my day. I said sarcastically walking around the area. A few minutes after I see a small chubby man in a school uniform. I walk towards him. "Excuse me sir?" "Yes, can I help you?" Said the chubby man. "Are you going to J-high?" I said. "Yes, want me to walk you to school?" "Please yes because my dumb GPS signal is lost and a little company won't hurt." Y/N sighed in relief. They both walk together.

"Oh by the way I'm Duke and you're name?" "Oh it's Y/N and thank you very much, Duke, for your kindness, I would've been lost if it wasn't for you." "No problem. Oh by the way what classes do you have?" "Oh let me see I screenshot my classes so it won't take long. Let's see... I got vocal dance classes, math, English, and more but I don't wanna read all the classes." "Sweet we got vocal classes together." "Let's go yes!" Duke chuckled.

A few minutes after they made it to school people are already staring at the two. They even heard some whispering. Making Y/N question and getting confused. "Hey Duke, what with the people staring at us are they jealous of us or nah?" "Umm... I don't know but ignore them okay." They head to the class and they are both in the class. Once Duke sat down and Y/N just walked in, everyone in that class surrounded her with awe."You look nice in your PJs!" "Wow breaking the rules on the first-day newbie I like you wanna be friends?" Y/N is clearly uncomfortable with the people surrounding her. Until one voice yells at everyone to the point they mind their own business. Y/N saw a blonde hair girl with a cap on and a headband and a black and white hoodie. "Thank you, how can I repay you?" "No need to repay me girl, oh and I love your pj outfit looks cute on you." "Thanks, I'm Y/N L/N, and you." "Mary Kim, nice to meet you. Oh my god, where is that bastard." "Well, whatever you're talking about he or she must be late to class I guess." "Yeah, I'm betting go get him." "Ah okay". By the time Mary said that a man with sunglasses with his friends came. "Finally bitch where were you?. Y/N saw the man and was confused by his looks but she doesn't mind. "Mary who is this chick?" "Oh a friend of mine, she's a newbie to our school." Y/N waved at the man. The man smiled. "Sup pretty lady I'm Vin Jin you should totally have my number. Mary and Y/N cringed. "Yeah no thanks. I barely know you but I'm Y/N nice to meet you I guess." Mary started to laugh about her answer. "Mary why are you laughing?" Vin asked. "Dude you got rejected by the new girl can't get no bitches." Y/N laughs at the situation. She's my type to hang around with she's pretty cool. Y/N thought. She looks at duke and waves at him. He looks at her and waved back. She waved at him to join the group but Dukes shook his head no. Y/N tilts her head and is confused. Duke ignores her, and Y/N shrugs and continues talking to the duo.

Vin Jin saw Duke and headed towards him. "Oh my lord Vin what are you going to do now you idiot," Mary shouts at him. "Just going to talk to my boy Duke that's all." "Totally" she replied. Vin kicks at Duke's desk making him fall off. Y/N got a little annoyed by it and stood there and watch. "Hey, you're writing more lyrics again?" Vin Jin looks down at Duke and laughs at him. His friends started to laugh at him as well. Duke crawls to try to get his notepad but failed. Vin Jin steps on the notepad. "What's the point? You really failed the audition your fat ass." Oh my gosh, really they going to bully him and fat shaming him that's very rude. Was he always getting treated like this? I thought Vin was cool but really he's an asshole. Y/N thought clenching her fist. "What Duke went to audition? I'm shaking!" His friend questioned Vin while laughing at Duke. "It was so embarrassing, I was afraid that he would come over and say hi," Vin said. "Why did you audition?" His friend said. "Wow, that's freaking brave of you Duke." His other friend said. Duke ignores them and tries to snatch his notepad but failed again. Vin Jin got irritated. "Jeez, you made me wanna-!" Vin Jin was about to kick Duke until Y/N threw her backpack at his face making his sunglasses fly off his face. Everyone got silent.

WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT? WILL Y/N GOING TO FIGHT VIN OR HELP VIN BULLY DUKE?! XD Sorry I'm trying to be dramatic but oh well I'll try to write the next part today so stay tuned y'all Wooohooo!

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