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The energy, excitement, fits of giggles that eluded from the overly cheery people that walked past me, killed me more, emptied me, drained me as I watched.

I watched as the beautiful colors drained out of everything before me, rendering them colorless, lifeless. Dead. The music blaring from the speakers fueled my wrench as I felt hot tears prickle down my cheeks.

Merry Christmas?

Well, merry Christmas my ass!

The sights of the decorations made me want to pull out my hair. Everything, every single thing made my insides churn, broke me more, fueled my agony. Every single thing about this Christmas destroyed me. I averted my gaze to the ground. My bare feet brushing lightly on the green grasses.

The cold wind causing me to shiver as I tucked my hands into the pockets of my hoodie.

I winced as the memory of last night hit me like a whiplash.

Christmas Eve. I thought as strangled sobs escaped my lips.

"You look so terrible in those blonde braids," my very annoying brother spoke as he plopped down on my king- sized bed, earning a glare from me.

"Firstly, Ire, I don't look terrible," I spoke, turning away from my vanity table, shooting him a faux smile, "and I think blonde is now my new thing," I smiled for real this time, flipping my hair over my shoulder, winking at the dark-skinned boy who was grinning from ear to ear.

"And secondly," I continued, standing up from the vanity table to walk towards him. "Stop sitting on my bed, guy!" I said the exact same moment I picked up a pillow and started hitting him playfully with it.

He picked up a pillow of his own and in a matter of seconds it had turned into a full blown out pillow fight.

Laughing and trying to hit him seriously with the bigger pillow in my hand, but he was taller.

"You're cheating," I whined.

"It's not my fault that you're short na," he retorted, a low chuckle escaping his lips.

"Ire, oya leave my room!" I screamed, feigning anger, walking towards the bean bags opposite the bed, plopping down on it and folding my arms across my chest.

"My beautiful sister, my very beautiful sister," he started with his flattery as he started doing this funny hop-walk towards me.

I bit on my inner cheek, trying to suppress the smile that was threatening to spread across my lips.

I arched a brow at him as he got closer. My expression stoic.

"Blonde is your new thing, I swear!" He exclaimed, a smile dancing on his lips.


I rolled my eyes and hissed.

"Ara, see how this Christmas is Christmas-ing on your head," he continued, his smile now a wide grin.

"When you're done, sha leave my room for me," I said, my lips betraying me as the widened into a smile.

"Anger doesn't look good on you, man," he said pinching my cheeks.

"Iremide, I'm not a man for crying out loud!" I said blandly swatting his arms away as they came to my face again.

"Oya sorry. I just came to ask what you wanted for Christmas," he said, a teasing smile dancing on his lips as he plopped down on the bean bag besides mine.

"Really?!" I asked, excitement seeping through my tone. I turned around to face him and he nodded his head affirming what he said earlier.

"You're like my favorite person on earth, you know?" I said pulling him into a hug.

Christmas In A Box Volume II.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora