Chap 9: Prepare for the meeting

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After a few minutes of talking in secret, both of them looked at the boys again. Kaito asked:

- What are you talking about inside?

- Well, childhood memories, we supposed. – Hakuba said – Right Tsuki - chan?

- Stop calling me Tsuki - chan or I'll shoot you. Remember that I still have my gun and 2 packs of bullets here. – Miria said.

- Sorry! – Hakuba said squeakily and it made the rest of the boys laughed. Miria only took out the gun she had hid in the jacket, loaded bullets and pointed it at the boys. She said:

- Speak carefully, or you'll have some bullets in your forehead.

Hattori even said provocatively:

- I don't think that you can shoot!

Miria thought "You've underestimated me, Hattori – san. Watch'n learn". Then she shot one shot, it passed over Hattori's ear. He was horrified while Miria walked over him and said:

- Well, do this kendo master want some more shots?

- Heh, my pleasure. – Hattori said and he ran immediately into the restroom.

- Never mind. He's just a wreck anyway. So, you guys read the files. I've received an email from Shuichi – san. He said that the police had discovered about the Organization and is going to open an assembly. FBI, CIA and MI6 had asked for the permission and joined it. The assembly will start at 2:00 and no news here. – Miria said – I'm going there as a MI6 spy so I'm going to Shiho – chan and asked for the temporary antidote or a girl suit.

- Eh, Kaiyo, I want an antidote too. Ask for me please! – Conan said in an appeal way.

- No! Shiho said that if you use it much, your body will have an antibody and you can never use it again. In that case, maybe I must borrow her a girl suit. – Miria went out and said to the boys – Don't do stupid things, OK?

- Yeah right. We aren't kids. – Kaito said. Hattori, who was just came out from the restroom, smirk behind Kaito.

- Whatever, and Kudo, if you want, you can go there too. The FBI and CIA had allowed you. – Miria said.

- Really? – Conan was very excited. Finally, he could defeat the organization.

- Yeah, but first, you guys must read my writing before come there. That was the detail analysis about every member in the Black Organization. You can also show it to the polices in the assembly. That's enough chatting, I'm heading to that Inventor's house.

- Okay, be safe – Conan said. – Don't be lost.

Then he headed inside and read the analysis. True it was very detailed. It was about Gin, Vodka, Vermouth, Chianti, Korn, Rum, but it's very meager about Boss. She also analyzed about the APTX – 4869 project and the Silver Bullet project. Well, she analyzed almost everything 'bout them. When the boys had read the 15 – pages – long analysis, Miria came back with a girl suit in a bag. She said:

- Done reading? Keep it carefully. Kudo, can I borrow your skateboard?

- We've done it. But why do you need my skateboard? – Conan asked. He still hadn't defining the situation.

- I want to visit Shukichi – san in hospital. The distance was kind of far and I don't bring my money to go by taxi. – Miria said.

- Oh, I want to go too. Wait me a bit. – Conan said and he pulled out his skateboard. Both of them stood on the skateboard and went away.

Both arrived at Beika Central Hospital – where Shukichi was doing his treatment there. Conan phoned Akai and asked:

- Akai – san. Which room is Haneda Meijin stay at?

- Boy, are you at the Beika Central Hospital? – Akai asked from the other side.

- Yes I am. – He replied.

- Room 209, on the 4th floor, at your right side.

- Thanks Akai – san. – Conan said and shut his phone off

- Which room is he in, Kudo? – Miria stood beside him and asked.

- Room 209 on the 4th floor. Let's go. – Conan pulled Miria's arm and went into the elevator.

They went to the 4th floor and finally found Shukichi's room. And with Miria's acumen, she stopped Conan and pulled him hidden in another wall. He shouted:


- Be quiet or else they'll discover it. – Miria threatened Conan and shut his mouth.

- But who are "they"? – He asked.

Miria sighed. She pulled Conan's head aside. He saw Sera Masumi was standing outside the room and was looking at Shukichi, her brother through the glass. And the girl who went with Masumi, the one who personated herself as "The sister outside the territory" also there. She touched the glass and whispered something to Masumi. Conan suddenly made a small move to the floor, made the blonde girl turned back and chased after them. Luckily, Conan and Miria had run to another floor and another range of the building. When the Sera had left, Conan and Miria came inside the room secretly. Yumi had slept beside Shukichi's bed. Shukichi was still in a coma because terrible injuries and he was bandaged carefully. He was still not better much. Conan and Miria looked at him, chatted a bit and went back to the agency.

The next day, Hattori, Kaito, Hakuba Conan and Miria went to the Metropolitan Police (Conan went by skateboard; Yukiko and Yusaku just came back so Hakuba, Kaito sat on her "England Lady" and went there; Akai voluntarily drove Miria to there; Hattori rode his rented motorbike). At there, the boys weren't allowed, totally different from Akai – who was welcomed. Akai had to convince them by the glance and the call to Jodie. After that, the boys finally allowed to go in the Office. Conan asked Akai:

- Which floor will we have the assembly?

- Hmm, let me text Jodie. – Akai answered. He immediately texted Jodie and she replied that it's in floor 7. They went on an elevator to floor 7. Suddenly, Akai and Conan wanted to go to the roof and chat. Miria read again her files and she was like: loose cravat, untied vest and trousers with super concentrate face. When the assembly had started, FBI, CIA, MI6 and Tokyo polices surrounded and sat. Hakuba, Hattori also in there. A CIA asked:

- Why can the boys join in this assembly which related to the world peace?

- Well, at the middle of the assembly, you'll know. – Hattori said. Mr. Hattori hit him lightly and asked:

- Heiji, why are you here, aren't you supposed to stay home with your friends?

- Dad, wait'n you'll know. – Hattori answered. It was the same with Hakuba when Mr. Hakuba asked him:

- You're supposed to stay home and read those Sherlock Holmes, why you're here?

- Dad, wait and you'll see. – He replied.

The meeting will be quite epic in the next chapter ^v^

So, I said that I'll release on 27th right? But, changed plan. I've released 3 chapters today, 26th so I won't write more until next week or next 2 weeks. Like and vote for me please!!!

[Detective Conan] The Last TruthNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ