'She's right' Lucas nodded, agreeing for what Jennette said.

  'No way! My goal is to stay a forgotten princess, out of his sight for as long as I can!'

  'That never came true.' Claude smirked, he remembered the their first encounter.

  'I'd be set for life if I run off with some ornaments from this room.'

  They chuckled. 'Run away with some ornaments huh.' Claude thought.

  'So please, forget me.'

  "His Majesty doesn't even think of her but she's surrounded by such luxurious. What a life!" The maid stated with envy.

  'Yep. This is a palace after all, I get three meals a day. A nice, cozy bed. No matter how bad I got it, it's still the life of a princess.'

  'I'm going to grow big and strong, steal some gold, and run off.' Athanasia's face was shown full of determination.

  They laughed, 'l never knew his daughter could be this funny' Anastacius thought, not holding his laugh.

  'So that must be the reason why she was hiding some gems, accessories and golds.' Claude chuckled.

  'I should get out of this crib first.' Athansia stretched her baby arms. 'Eat your meals, exercise and grow big and storing, your highness.' Athansia remembered Lily's advice.

  "We're nothing but candles in the wind. We'd be dead with a snap of his fingers."

  "Yeah, why did we have to be the ones assigned here... did you hear about that ghost coming out of the kitchen every night?"

  "It creeps me out. Who knows when we might end up like that, too?"

  "Ijekiel, are ghost real?" Jennette wondered. "I can't say they are, or they are not. Since I haven't seen one, but there are some theories that there are lost souls lingering around." Ijekiel response.

  'If they are, I hope I don't encounter one...' Jennette shivered.

  'I don't want to live in this Palace like this, either.' Athanasia thought, as she listens to the maid talking.

  'The moment I gather enought money to escape with, I'm out of here!' She clenched her first in full of determination.

  "Ehehe." Athansia's eyes sparkled by the sight of the golden ball infront of her.

  'So cute!' They thought.

  "Do you like it that much?" Lily asked the princess while holding the golden ball on her right arm.

  "Oah!" The princess responded.

  'Come to mama you sweet sweet gold!' The princess rubbed her cheeks on Lily's. Lily couldn't handle the cuteness, she then gave the golden ball and kissed the princess' cheek.

  'She really loves that gold, huh? No wonder she's obsessed with money.' Lucas thought.

  'I want to pinch her cheeks' Jennette blushes from the thought of pinching the princess' chubby cheeks.

  'I can now crawl around the carpet with ease.' Athanasia was crawling on the carpet.

  In the room, there was alot of golds, 'Lily must have thought that I like sparkly things' the screen showed Lily giving the princess' gold toys.

  'The Palace itself was luxurious, but due to the dwindling budget, I never got much to myself!' The princess was seen collecting golds.

  "She would have no problem with money once she escape, just look at that golds." Lucas stated.

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