Seeing this Murthy family was in shock becoz for Mukti fab5 is her everything she in her worst nightmare also she can't do this but why she slap him.

Muk: What dud you do Is this was your Plan By Making Her Hospitalized Soeak up damn ittt

Mukti Roared and Murthy Family is in shock after hearing Plan and all this

C: Mukti believe me this was not my Plan Its was a mild medicine that will just trigger some coughing and it will show as she is having allergy reacting but in few mins it all vanish and she would have been completely alright I don't know what happen

Listening this Abhi lose his calm and Punch cabir and aks him By grabbing his collar

Abhi: What did you wanted by showing a fake allergy reaction and how did she had a real and thus much severe reaction.

Dhruv made him calm
D: Abhi calm down There must be something else he love her like her own sister he wouldn't do anything to harm her. Is She allergic to anything.

Abhi: Yes She is Allergic to cashew if she will have a little Also it will have a severe reaction like she had...Wait did that halwa have cashews in it

Cabir crying hysterically

C: Yes it had Abhi I swear I didn't knew about her this allergy if i would have known i would never ever do this

In the Meantime Asha was passing through emergency room and saw everyone and went toward them

Asha: What happened why are you all crying like this and Where is Nandu. Abhi bhai why are crying like this tell me you are scaring me

Abhi: My Babydoll Gudiya My Babydoll is inside

Asha: Nandu what happened to her

Abhi: She ate Cashews

That's it Asha started crying and ran from there and immediately calls Jiger

Asha: Jiiiggguuuuu

Jigar panic after listening her crying so much he calmly ask

Jig: Jana calm down and what happened why are you crying I am her na Nothing will happen tell me

Asha after composing herself a little

Asha: Jigu Nandu ate Cashews and she is in emergency her condition is critical please come fast please

And she stared crying hardand listening her jigar hearts stop for a moment and tears starts coming from his eyes but he compose himself for asha and Manik he has to tell him and handle him also.he wipes his tears but his eyes are shedding non stop tears

Jig: Asha calm down you are my strong girl na Come on we have to handle Manik also we Have to be strong he need us Now the Most we Can't fall weak and you don't worry Nothing Will happen to My Bacha she is very strong she will fight for us

Asha compose her self after getting much needed strength both of them become strong becoz they have to handle Manik and They Know its not easy at all they have to be super strong for him and they will be.
Jig cuts the call and immediately runs madly towards conference room Making everyone in office shock
Jigar barge inside the conference room where a very imp meeting was gong on first Manik got hell angry But After Seeing Jigar he stood from his chair and ask

Ma: what happened jig you don't enter like this is something wrong are you okay is everyone okay Na

Jigar just hug him tight Manik wrapped his Arms around him

Jig: Nandu Eat Cashews she is critical

That's it Manik lose all his sense he just stood shock he jigar seeing him shock shake him but he didn't respond jigar with great difficulty apologize to clients and comes to manik

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