Chapter 18

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Tick Tock Tick

Those were the noises I woke up to. I was chained to a platform , charred with soot and ash. This wasn't New York. This was Hell, my home.

"Well, well, well." A voice tutted. "Look who woke up." I flinched at the sound of my father's voice as I heard footsteps walking towards me. He smiled at me his eyes flashing from black iris to a deep crimson iris.

"Why have you bound me?" I asked him gesturing to the bands or iron around my wrists, ankles and neck.

"It is for the best, my dear." Lucifer cooed, kissing my nose. "I really don't want to do this to you but my kingdom will be destroyed if you transformed without protection. "

Transformation? I was confused. Transforming into what? Suddenly, I felt a burning sensation fill my body. I glance down and my eye bulged. My skin glowed a bright red color that soon became flames. However, not ordinary flames.

The flames of Hell.

I arched my back and cried out in pain. "Make it stop!" I screeched. Lucifer never moved and instead watched the movement of my burning body.

"Just two minutes." I heard Lucifer mumble. I lied limp for a moment, hot tears blurring my vision. There was a moment of relaxation as I accustomed to the burns. Then, it came. A sharp pain shot through my body. I screamed in pain and saw my own black blood trickle down from hidden wounds. I felt the pain of knives digging into my back and droplets of my own blood splattered on my face. I saw a giant black feather poke from my back, followed by others . They fanned out of me and pierced through the chains. Lucifer stepped back and applauded.

"Bravo, my dear bravo." He cheered. I looked at him dumbfounded as I hovered in the air.

"Now for the climax." He continued and snapped his fingers. Another wave of pain shot through me and I collapsed to the floor. I felt my teeth shifting and fangs stabbing at my gums. My nails turned jagged and had a fine point to them. Claws. I had claws now. My hair changed, from an inky black color to a lighter indigo. I took a deep breath and stood up, my legs wobbling.

"You look divine." Lucifer beamed. "Oh so very fine." His eye trailed to his back, where I saw a glint of gold. He whipped the golden dagger from his back and smiled a twisted grin. I lunged at him and attacked clawing at his face. He tossed me off and tried to stab my chest. I jumped back and released a sea of flames.

"EVIE!" A voice screamed. We both turned and saw an angel burst into the room from the window. He had large black wings with a top hat and sharp claws. The angel slowly revealed his face and my mouth dropped open.

It was Mark.

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