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{ Lito's POV }

I was holding him as close as I could. he snuggled up to me and kinda covered his face with his hand, I'm not sure if he usually did that but it was adorable.

I started messing with his dreads gently, letting him sleep peacefully. He was so cute—

I shouldn't think like that I mean. He's my best friend that's weird... isn't it? I shook my head a bit then kissed his head.

I mean he wouldn't notice right? Because he's asleep?
I hope he doesn't notice I just kissed his head because he'd think I'm weird as fuck.

I kinda turned to my side and that's when he slowly woke up "oh- oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I whispered. "Nooo it's okay" he smiled, still half asleep. He looked up a bit "you're pretty" he then giggled and kissed me.

I was shocked I kissed back but I didn't know what to do after. I never thought he'd do something like that.

I mean he's gonna forget he did that.
He will definitely forget. He always forgets things.

I was just hoping this was one of those things. I had an urge to kiss him again but I had to stop myself and tell myself he is straight.

Shit I had to tell myself that I was also straight. I guess this is just a little experiment for us both.

He opened his eyes wider and looked me dead in the eyes "kiss me" he said softly. "I- Are you sure?" I tried to keep my eyes locked with his.

"I wouldn't say kiss me if I wasn't sure Lito" he held himself up a bit

"okay" I whispered then placed my hand on his cheek and kissed him for a good 10 seconds.

He kissed me back and smiled "thank you."

I looked at him and bit my lip just a tiny bit, he knew what I was feeling at this very moment, And I knew what he was feeling.

He placed his hand on my arm kinda pulling me trying to tell me to move on top of him.

I looked at him a little confused and he smiles big as fuck "come on"

I slightly hovered over him and pushed his dreads back

I held myself up with my hands by his head

"I just wanna experiment with you, that's all" he said a bit low. "I want to experiment with you also iann" I whispered in his ear.

His breathing suddenly changed from "normal" to heavy.

He slid his hand up and placed it on my shoulder.

I then proceeded to kiss softly from his forehead staying there for 5 seconds then going down until I reached his neck.

His breathing got even heavier like he was unsure if he wanted anymore but he didn't say anything so I kept going.

I kissed his neck softly a few times on each side then stopped after like 15 minutes then I moved from on top of him.

He laid there looking confused about what just happened. I kinda felt confused too because I didn't think I'd ever do something like that with any man.
Especially not iann.

{ Ianns POV }

I didn't know if I liked it or not, I was in shock I was unsure why I even wanted to try that out. I mean I don't even like dudes. I like females I always did. I didn't even feel anything here. I think the experiment is over. I'm definitely not gay. I was more grossed out that I let a dude kiss on me.

He was being respectful and didn't touch on me though which was good, and he was my best friend. things can go back to normal, I hope.

{Lito's POV}

I am for sure not gay. This was a bit weird for me and I know it was weird for him too. I looked at him and laughed awkwardly "yeah I'm not gay, like At all"

"No worries I'm not gay either Lito, I didn't feel shit but my anxiety kicked in." He sat up

"Hopefully this doesn't fuck up our friendship. Just don't let anyone know about this, EVER" I said staring at him.

"Oh ofc I'm not gonna say anything" he laughed a little

We both stood up at the same time "so.. wanna go somewhere? Anywhere" i put my jacket on.

"The bar?" he suggested "Yeah yeah sure let's go" I walked out the room and went downstairs and he followed me.

When we got downstairs he put his shoes and jacket on then we headed out—

We're gonna have some very special people show up next chapter 🫶🏼

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