Driving the Twins Crazy

ابدأ من البداية

I digged around in my bag, checking if I had gotten everything since we had to leave in such a hurry, before glancing up at my sisters as they sat upfront

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I digged around in my bag, checking if I had gotten everything since we had to leave in such a hurry, before glancing up at my sisters as they sat upfront. Trina's leg was splayed across the car, her foot on the dashboard as she switched her focus between the road and her leg. I groaned, "Ugh, Trina do you really have to shave your legs now?"

"I can't go to school with stubble!" She exclaimed, as if I had said something crazy bad.

"Why didn't you shave your legs before we left for school?" Tori asked, holding Trina's foot.

"I didn't know we had to leave forty minutes early." She retorted, as I watched the road worriedly, looking between her and the cars around us.

"Well, it's a little awkward for me...—" Tori said as Trina flipped her leg around, her foot hitting Tori in the mouth. "Oww! Trina! That hit my tongue..."

I raised up, looking at Tori. "Oh my God," I grimaced, "You okay?"

Ignoring Tori, she continued shaving her leg, keeping one hand on the wheel. "Okay. Stop! Hold it!" She grunted, kicking up her leg as her arm tried to keep up with shaving, and her elbow jerked back.

My head flung back, as I brought my hands up to my nose. "Ow! Trina!" I exclaimed, holding my nose. "You just elbowed me in the face!" I murmured, looking at her as I brought my hand away to check for blood. I was bleeding!

Trina continued to kick and fidget her leg, as Tori held her foot and I held my nose. "Trina! Stop it!!" I yelled, holding her leg to stop her from moving.

"What is your problem!?" Tori asked her, as a car honked at us.

Trina looked away from glancing at the road, baring her teeth. "If you don't want me to shave my legs..." She looked at both of us, "You do it." She said, holding the razor out to Tori.

"No!" She exclaimed.

"Then give it back and I'll do it!" Trina retorted, reaching for the razor as she missed the stop sign, making a truck break.

"Keep your eyes on the road, I'll do it." Tori grumbled, as Trina glanced at me.

"Y/n, give me your leg." She said, looking between Tori shaving her leg and the road.

"My leg?!" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"L.e.g" She spelled it out, "Exactly what I said, yeah." She quipped, rolling her eyes, as I slowly put my leg up on the center console. "HURRY!" She yelled.

"Okay, here. What?" I asked, looking at her.

"Unbuckle your seatbelt." She said, looking in the rearview mirror as she turned onto the next street.

"Why do you want her to unbuckle her seatbelt?" Tori asked, as she shaved Trina's leg.

Trina glared at Tori, "Who else is going to push the brake pedal?!" She seriously asked.

Room 107 | A Victorious Rewrite (EDITING)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن