A Determinated Battle!

Start from the beginning

Arata: ...Zaxon, huh? Guess you guys are all buddy-buddy right now. So, what's going on with EDEN hackers? Those guys have been running amok lately. Zaxon's claims to be upholding peace, but that's not what I see.

Ryuji: ...

Arata: It wasn't like this back in our day. We were more free back then, weren't we, Ryuji!

Ryuji: Shut up. Don't talk like you know anything!

Arata: ...!

Ryuji: This has nothing to do with you... you were the one who ran away, after all. (leaves)

Chitose: Ryuji! (goes after Ryuji)

Arata: ... Ran away, huh... can't argue with that one.

Ryuji and Chitose went back to Hudie. Ryuji was remembering what happened that day. Chitose placed a hand on his shoulder, to call his friend's attention.

Chitose: Come on! It's not like he ran away! He had his own stuff going on to, you know!

Ryuji: ...Sorry.

Chitose: ... Well, what's done is done. Just don't go back to Hudie with tht face, specially in front of the little lady, and the newbies.

Ryuji: Of course. I'm the leader, after all.

Ryuji's Alliance: Call from Akari. (Ryuji picks up)

Akari: Ryuji-san,  I got a clew on a new hacker that's been raiding accounts lately!

Ryuji: Who is it?

Akari: His name is Mephisto, and my Accound could be within the accounts he raided lately!

Ryuji: Very well. We'll return as soon as possible. (call ends)

Chitose: Funny she mentioning this Mephisto right now! There's actually a new case from the Zaxon mentioning Mephisto!

The two of them returned to the shop. Inside, Shadow just heard the call that Akari made with Ryuji, telling about Mephisto. With that, he got a mesage saying that Ryuji to meet in the meeting room. 

Shadow: Sounds like she doesn't want them to know about K.

Picodevimon: What do you think?

Shadow: Let's keep a close eye out for her. There's something else going on. For now, let's go meet the others.

Shadow went to the meeting room. Back with Sonic, he was walking around Nankano, geting to know the place, and getting used to his cyborg body. He was on the third floor of the building.

Sonic: This thing feels weird!

Gaossmon: Not used of being made of data?

Sonic: Not really! How is it to be made of data, buddy?

Gaossmon: You'll get used to it!

Sonic: Thanks for the advise. (spots two girls) Hold on, are those? Hanon, Nokia!

Hanon: Hm? (turns around) Sonic! You made it out, after all! We never got news from you after loging out from EDEN!

Sonic: I was supposed to be back in Station Square. I guess something went wrong with the log out. Still, I'm back in one piece! How are Arata and Sonia?

Hanon: Arata-san's back in Shibuya, and Sonia took a moment to rest!

Nokia: Hanon take a look! It's Jimiken's new album!

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