"Honestly, not surprised. She is not coping well, she wouldn't want to stay where all the memories of her past are connected." Jenna said.

"Then where is she staying? Does she have other places to stay?" Jisung asked. Jay shook his head sadly, staring at the door.

"So....what now? Do we go back? Do we talk to her when she see her in college?" Jisung asked.

"I don't know." Jay shrugged, leaving the hallway, Jisung followed after, sparing one last glance towards the door of the former angel.

Jenna was about to follow when she heard voices from the other side of the hallway. Looking around she found none of the apartments occupied.

Do I really want to do this? Could be some drunkard or even a burglar. Damn Jenna why do you always do things that dumb Y/n's would do. She cursed at herself as by the time she thought of moving the people were nearly there. So she did the first thing that came to her mind and hid behind the turn towards the elevator and stairs.

"Told you it was third floor, dumbass." A voice said loudly.

"Geez Hyuck, can you be any louder?" Another voice snapped.

"You two need to stop arguing everywhere before I tell both of your dad's about what you both did last week." A female voice threatened.

"Wait, Whan, do you hear that?" The second voice said.

"Why are you hyper focussing on hearing stuff here, Renjun that's very creepy, what if someone is having
se- Oh." The first person... 'hyuck' said.

"Let's get her clothes and leave fast." The female voice snapped.

The two boys had their backs towards Jenna but she watched as they pulled out a key and went inside Ara's room.


"Shhh." Jenna said, sushing Jay who looked at her in confusion.

"I'll be down in a second. You both wait outside." She said.
"It's nothing important for now, I'll tell you later." Jay hesitantly nodded, walking away slowly but to Jenna's annoyance he came back again few minutes later.

"I told you to-" a gasp left her throat as he held her by her throat and picked her up.

"What are you-" Jenna watched in awe as her friends face changed and soon all of him was.....not him. There infront of her stood a girl, the girl that was with the two other guys who came in.

"You know, demons hear human heartbeat. You've got some guts to think you can spy on us." The girl said, eyes turning crimson red as black viens appeared under them.

Jenna gasped again clawing at her throat where she was held. Groaning she focussed on her hands, red wisps appearing as she held the girl's hand tighter. The girl hissed in pain, withdrawing her hands from Jenna's throat, nearly dropping her on her bum.

Jenna coughed loudly, taking in deep breaths before staring at the girl infront of her cautiously. She watched her holding her hand in pain and felt a little guilty about burning her.

"I didn't mean to, you know, burn you....just....to loosen the grip." She said. The girl looked up at her in shock and tried to attack her again to which she just let her magic flow towards her leg, stopping her in spot.

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