6. are you ready to rock

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"Welcome Yagi Y/N," the mouse-dog-bear?? greets coolly, gesturing for you to take a seat, "I'm U.A.'s Principal. You may call me Principal Nezu."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," you relax into your seat, but internally you're tense.

The Commission told you not to reveal your affiliation with them, but Nezu's smart; he's smarter than anyone could ever imagine. You guess that the Commission underestimated that intelligence, at least enough to not tie up their loose ends. Your dad knows of your connection: in his mind, the Commission scouted you and enrolled you in an accelerated program that teaches and trains many child prodigies in the hopes of them becoming heroes.

But that's not the full truth, now is it?

You know of your dad's relationship with Nezu. He trusts the mouse-dog-bear?? enough to tell him about OFA, so it's not a stretch to believe that he trusts Nezu with the knowledge of your atypical education too.

"It's nice to meet you as well," his beady eyes bore straight into your soul, contrasting the lightness of his voice, "I've been waiting to meet All Might's daughter for a very long time."

You don't recoil and decide to be frank. "Wanted to test if your theories about me held up in-person?" Nezu would be able to cut out your bullshit anyway, so you'll have to dance around any prying questions with calculated honesty.

"Indeed, you are proving to be quite interesting already," he grins, "Let's begin your Recommendation Interview, shall we?"

"Yes sir."

"So, I see here that are being recommended by the Disco Hero: Dazzler," he glances up from, what you assume to be, your application file, "Is that correct?"

"It is," you confirm smoothly, understanding the Commission's idea.

Dazzler is a low-level hero in the eyes of the public. However, she's the Commission's means of gathering intent, usually pertaining to the public themselves. Her quirk is quite weak, in comparison to traditionally heroic quirks. She can only bend light beams that have been reflected off disco balls. It makes sense that the Commission would use her to hide their connection to you; no one knows of Dazzler's connection either. Luckily, you've met and learned from Dazzler on a couple occasions (she taught you tricks about keeping up with a new identity).

So, you don't have to take your chances on formulating a lie that could fool Nezu.

"Did she mentor you during your time at the HPSC's Prodigy Program?"

Of course.

"My dad tell you about that?"

Nezu's eyes become sharp, but his smile stays the same, "Was he not supposed to?"

"He can say what he wants," you recover, feigning sheepishness, "It's just a bit embarrassing that he speaks about it. And I did train under Dazzler, to answer your previous question." He writes some notes down.

"Well, you are his only daughter. It's understandable that he would want to brag about your achievements, especially if it is your acceptance into a program such as that. Is it not?"

"No, I understand. You're right, Principal, but I can't help what I feel."

"That is very true," he clears his throat before moving on. "I only ask the candidates up for recommendation one question: what do you want from U.A.?"

Nezu leans slightly forward, intently anticipating your answer. You mimic his body language with a wry grin.

It's a good, valid, question. A itch emerges in the back of your mind in the form of the Commission-approved answer they'd love for you to give. But you've gotten this far with the truth, so what's a little bit more of honesty?

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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