The Night That Changed Everything

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a/n Hey guys! I am so thrilled you guys are enjoying the book so far, we are so thankful for your support and we are trying to get longer, better, and more chapters out. Enjoy! 

I must exit this house before Edward hears from Carlisle. I quickly grab my shoes, wallet, and some cash. I won't be leaving forever, but for now. I throw some clothes and mementos into a backpack and walk outside to my red truck. The red truck that Charlie gave me. I haven't seen him in a while.

I am about to leave when I hear footsteps behind me. 

 "Not leaving already are you?" 

I internally cringe as I recognize that voice.

"W-What are you doing here?" I say.

"This is my house too isn't it?" He laughs.

I can't help but recognize his beauty. His glass skin. His blazing hazel eyes looking into mine. I should feel ashamed of myself. This is the man you cheated with! Get a grip! Yet it's as if the universe is pulling us towards each other.

I sigh " I need to clear my head." 

" It's not because of me is it baby girl?" He smirks. 

I nudge him, "This isn't funny! There's no time for games! We made a huge mistake, don't you feel the slightest bit guilty? I mean, what about Esme? "

He scoffs "What about your husband? And no I don't feel guilty and I don't think you do either." 

He grabs my hand aggressively. I gasp, yet I don't stop him. This touch reminds me of that night, that night that changed everything. He looks me dead in the eye. 

"We have something, Bella. Something Edward never had, something Esme never had!" He licks his lips staring deep into my soul. "Stop running away from this just because you're scared!" 

I bite my lip, slightly flustered by the sudden outcast. "I-I'm not scared... I'm just not prepared to risk it all, all for some one-night stand." 

He suddenly slams my back into the truck's side door. The glass breaks on the window, and there's a dent in the car. I've always known Carlisle to be the one to control his vampire abilities, he's a doctor after all. But for some reason when it comes to me, that night, this moment, he can't seem to control himself.  

Carlisle x Bella - Wet❣️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat