Chapter 18 ♥️

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* sorry I got to speed the book up if you guys want a sequel

India's pov :
~ 6 months later ~

So it's been 6 months and I finally got my body back ..although I miss being pregnant that's a pain I never want to experience again

For the past six months I've learned a lot more about myself...and I finally figured out why I was stupid enough to stay with James wasn't love... it was the attention that he use to give me before he started drinking ...and I hoped maybe one day that love and affection would come back but boy was I wrong

On the other hand I learned a lot more about my husband Mr.Alsina 4 months ago we got into a argument over something really petty but in the end I apologized's crazy because when he yells it's the most scariest shit Ever here's what happened

* flashback*

me: baby I'm about to go shower ok

A: can I join ??

Me: no you have to watch the twins

A: damn they so quiet I forgot they were here

Me: yea now go make sure their ok

A: iight....

He got up and walked out the room

I walked into the bathroom and locked the door because I knew he would try to come in

10 minutes later


I stepped out the shower and put on my robe and snatched the door opened

Me: why are you yelling ??

I said walking out the bathroom

A: who tf is Kevin and why the fuck is he calling you ???

Me: Kevin is this boy I met at my job we're just friends calm down

A: don't tell me what to do...ion believe that my wife should have "boy" friends or friend boys whatever the fuck you wanna call him

Me: August calm the fuck down ....we're just friends

He got into my face making me back into a wall

A: let me find out you fuckin this nigga and Imma kill you and him do you hear me ??

He yelled into my face

Me: I would never cheat on you

A: you did before

He said backing away from me

Me: baby I'm sorry

A: yea yea I don't care No'mo

He walked out the room while I just laid on the bed with my back turned towards the door and cried myself to sleep

* end of flashback*

See how petty that argument was I had to block everybody that August didn't know just so he wouldn't think I was cheating on him ... We did the same to his phone because he had 1000 unread text messages from groupies that all was asking to do the same thing "suck his dick"

Like hello he has a wife....

But anyways after that we've been closer than ever ... Everywhere he goes he makes me go with him even to the bathroom and half the time its ok but the other times I want to kill myself

Currently I laying down on the twins bedroom floor scrolling threw my Instagram timeline when I heard a voice behind was August

August: What you doing in here ??

His maid ( August alsina love story) *in the middle of EDITING *Where stories live. Discover now