'O-h yeah, I- um, thanks', he could see the fairy's fingers opening and closing on themselves and led by a sudden surge of confidence that might've had something to do with the blush coating Felix's long ears, Hyunjin allowed himself to lean forward even further. He extended his hand and grabbed a far-away present from the table. The action had him pressing against Felix's back entirely and the brunette swallowed down a gasp.

'How about we wrap this bigger one? Might as well get the harder ones over with sooner?', he turned his head once he'd leaned back the slightest bit but once he was met with Felix's face, barely an inch away from his own, both of them froze.

Hyunjin felt all that confidence he'd had turning into thin air as his brain short-cutted at the puffs of breath he could feel against his own mouth. His gaze trailed down from Felix's wide blue eyes to the freckled slope of his nose, to his tiny cupid's bow and then to pink parted lips.

His breath got stuck in his throat and he was pretty sure that his heart did an axel jump in his chest. He could feel Felix's warmth all over him, could feel the fairy's scent surrounding and clouding his mind. His lips trembled with need to connect to another pair of plush ones and when he slowly looked up to Felix's eyes again and saw the way the fairy's pupils were dilating, Hyunjin felt an explosion of butterflies in his stomach.

A new song started, way louder than the previous ones and it startled both of them enough for the two to jump away from each other.

Hyunjin looked away, his shaky hand still holding onto that big present while his heart raced as if he'd been running for an hour. There's no way that he'd almost-

'S-should I go grab us water?', Felix questioned shakily and Hyunjin swallowed the need to beg him to stay and look at him the same way as he had earlier.

'Yes that's- a great idea! I feel a bit dehydrated', he said instead.

'Then I definitely should...go to get water'

'Yeah, of course'





Just as he turned around though, the fairy was already running towards the exit of the room and probably going towards the kitchens. Hyunjin let out a loud groan and brushed his hair back as he looked up to the ceiling. He fisted his dark locks and pulled on them harder to try and wake himself up from whatever daze he was in.

Taking a few deep breaths, Hyunjin tried to remind himself of all the reasons as to why he couldn't just go and kiss Cloudy's fucking grandson after barely a few days of knowing him. He wasn't even sure why he was being this way. Hyunjin was never one to fall for others easily, if at all. He had never cared about how close he was to someone, nor had he wanted to feel whether someone's lips were as soft as they looked-

'Fucks sake', he groaned even louder and ran his palm down his face.

Felix was really, really bad for Hyunjin's health.

'I'm back', a small voice interrupted the brunette's train of thoughts and once his head snapped up towards the sound, he saw the small fairy fidgeting on his feet and looking down as he held two glasses of water. A violent blush was still present on Felix's face and Hyunjin tightened his hands into fists so as to not try and test how hot Felix's skin would feel on his fingertips.

Clearing his throat and deciding to at least try and get himself together, Hyunjin walked towards Felix. He saw the fairy's body turning rigid at that and for a moment, he wondered whether he'd made the blonde uncomfortable earlier. It would've made sense, they weren't even that close. In fact, they barely knew each other and Hyunjin had suddenly gotten into Felix's personal space and had almost...

24 Days To Christmas (Hyunlix)Where stories live. Discover now