The beginning

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Boris lived in a small and deserted town in Las Vegas. His dad was never around, not that he minded. Tho he got lonely with time the more time he spent alone the more depressed he was, he started doing drugs, drinking, smoking anything to cope.
Some kids were afraid of the dark other of dying , not Boris he was afraid of being alone , dying alone he wanted someone , someone to call his, someone to love. And because he couldn't  have it, he made it himself,Theo.
Theo was a blond boy from new York he moved in with his dad and his sister, his mother just died he had glasses and wore blazers, he was fancy,especially compared to Boris who wore the same shirt for a month and said that it was still clean.
Boris stared feeling better Theo was just what he needed or potter as he would call him. They spent all they're time together but what would happen if Theo stoped existing. Well Boris didn't need to know that because he controlled Theo, Theo was basically a part of him.
He spent all his time with him, at school at home at the playground, anywhere. They were inseparable, literally. At this point Boris  couldn't live without Theo, Theo was his everything he loved him. Was that wrong he thought, loving Theo, loving my best friend . No ican't love him, I'm not gay. I'm just lonely of course . But was that really the truth was Boris truly just lonely and needed friends or did he need more.

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