Magic 2: Welcome to Fairy Tail

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"Hello." = Normal Talk

'Oh, not.' = Thinking

"WHAT!" = Yelling

"Requip!" = Magic

"Henshin!" = Transforming

[DRIVER ON, PLEASE!] = Wizard Driver and Weapon

'Fairy tail' = sign

This is the Magic Council building Era

"On another matter, Bora the former member of Titan Nose has been captured and is in prison." An elderly man said

"Really who capture him?" another elderly man asked

"He was captured by Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail." young black hair women answer

"So another clean job done by the Dragonic Wizard, wish I could say the same about the other." a short brown hair elderly man said

"Yes, what is wrong with the rest of them." an elderly woman said

"I actually quite fond of those dimwits and their lazy side." a young blue hair man said

"Yeah the other may be a fool but they are a capable group." Another elderly man said

"Yes, it's true they are quite strong." an elderly man with a long white beard said

"I think we should leave them be, after all, if it were for those fools think how boring this world would be." the young blue hair man said

In Magnolia

Natsu, Happy, and Lucy stood in front of a building

"Welcome to Fairy Tail." Happy said

"Hey everyone we're back." Natsu said opening the door

"We home." Happy said

"Hey, Natsu heard you stop Bora good job." a brown man said

"Thank you." Natsu said walking toward the bar table

"So you're back Natsu." Gray Fullbuster said wearing not but his boxer. then he runs at Natsu trying to kick him saying "It's time we settle the score." he said

But Natsu duck and Gray hit Elfman Strauss

"What the hell Gray it's not manly to attack someone from behind." Elfman said

"I didn't aim for you Elfman, I was aiming for Natsu." Gray said

"It not manly to make excuses too." Elfman said punching Gray to the wall and hitting other people

"Why you, alright come on, you want to go." Gray said as he gets up and attacks Elfman

"Gray your clothe." Cana Alberona woman said

"And there they go again." Natsu said sitting down at a bar table as a brawl begin while Lucy stood beside him in shock

"This is why I don't date the guy here they have no style." Cana said drinking beer

"You're one to talk Cana." Natsu said

"Wait aren't you going to try and stop them?." Lucy asked

"Welcome back, Natsu." a voice said

Lucy turns around and faces Mirajane Strauss, Elfman's older sister

"Oh my god, you're Mirajane in person." Lucy said

"Hey, Mirajane I got a new member." Natsu said

"Oh, really that's great, nice to meet you." Mirajane said

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