"So, how's your job? Isn't it troublesome and tiresome?" I shake my head amd smiled a bit

"Well, it's okay, the pays is okay too so I guess I have nothing to worry about" she nodded and then resume consuming her chips

"Well, I already placed the groceries so I need to head back and prepare dinner and do my guarding duties to my boss, talk to you later sis" I bid farewell and head back to the apartment

I arrived back at the apartment and park the car in the garage and then I noticed that the time is still early so I then clean up here and there

After cleaning and arranging I then take a 2 hour nap and then went to the bathroom after 10 minutes

I then decided that it's good to take a bath since I'm pretty sure I smell a little bad and I don't want to hear such complain from my boss

3rd person's POV:

Corpses are found and discovered in an abadoned warehouse that seems to belong to a drug syndicate

A group of 5 men are seated in a circle like they're on a meeting but if you look closely it's a grotesque sight to see

"Look at this horrendous sight, what a maniac, the corpses are all beheaded and is place on top of their genitals, making them suck their own cocks" a woman who seems to be the l lead detective then pinch the bridge of her nose

"Ma'am, I found a note inside one of the corpses pocket" he then hand me the note and the officer then proceed to open and read

"Raping a person is one thing, but to rape a child not older than 15 is such a sick thing, making a child suck your filthy, disgusting and wrinkly cock is making me lose my marbles so as to give them the justice they deserved, I will let you taste your own thing as a farewell gift, that's all" and it stops there and here I am confused if I should praise them or get scared on how creepy this is

"Okay, let's wrap it up and head out" the others nodded in agreement and start to move out leaving the crime scene

"The crimes are getting higher in these parts and most of it is done by the same organization if there is one, but nonetheless we have a serial killer on loose and they might attack again if we don't keep our eyes and wits sharp" the detective then went to her car and drove off

Sofia's POV:

I can't help but think about that incident because of various reasons, I'm happy to know that Diana isn't a criminal so I'm relieved but there's still something about her that I can't make out

I was lost in my thoughts when someone was snapping and shaking me and then I regain my composure and look at them

"Hey? You okay there? You seem to be in deep thought? Care to share?" Dahlia, a social friend of mine, we aren't that close but we get along fine because our parents are partners in one of our business

"Yeah, you seem out of it? Don't tell me boy problems? Or is it something else?" Kaley said and let out a small chuckle

"Oh, it's nothing guys...just something, anyway back to the topic? Where were we?" I changed the subject because I'm pretty sure these girls might find it boring if I did tell them about my problems because I knew that Faye will be the only one who is interested in hearing my problems

"Oh, yeah...hear this, it seems that Greg is throwing out a party, and he said that it's going to be a steamy one, you know alcohol, drugs and then sex" Dahlia chuckled while Kaley let out a knowing smile and then chuckled

"Oh, and how many people are going to be there? It's gonna be boring if there's only the 5 of us going there" Kaley whine like a brat while Dahlia just seem to find Kaley whining as funny

"Nah, I heard him say that he invited more than 30 people, so it's going to be a blast haha" The both of them chuckled and I'm just here listening to them and feeling bothered inside because I always decline these kind of parties, and I'm saving my first time to the one I'm going to marry and have kids with

"Oh, yeah? Hey Sof? You in? I mean, you can't keep on declining invitations, you've been doing it since 5 years ago, come and let loose and you'll surely relax" again this is the reason why these two are bad influence coz they already have 1-3 abortions due to their behaviour and maybe they put them for adoption because I heard that these two gave birth a year ago and I don't want to end up like them a cumdumpster to the rich spoiled guys who are the sons and grandsons of my parents circle of friends in the business world

"Oh, just forget it Kaley...you know, Sof is such an old school kinda girl, waiting for the man of her dreams before she let her cherry popped" both of them look at each other and laughed

"Don't worry Sof, you will find that man...in your dreams probably" and then continued to burst in a fit of laughter making them look like a bunch of monkeys

I then stood up and told them that I have to go and meet with my parents and they just shrug and I then head to my car and drove of back to my apartment and plop on the bed making my whole body relax for a bit

I then noticed some water splashing and so I checked for noiss and it's the bathroom and it's unlocked and maybe I forgot to turn off the faucet on the shower so I got up and went inside

I pulled the covers and to my surprised I saw Diana's bare back and her cute butt and I was frozen in place

Because she moved and tilted facing sideways there I saw a huge rod hanging between her legs and my god it looks the same size as my forearm or a bit bigger

She then face upfront so I'm facing her and she look shocked and I realized that she's naked and I'm here inside the shower room sneaking up on her like some pervert so I was about to ran when I slipped and so she pulled me and then she pulled her weight and lean on the wall while her grip was on my waist and by the time she landed on her back my body specifically my core was pressing on hers and we then noticed our situation and now both our faces flustered like ripe tomatoes

"I'm sorry I should move then" I took a step as means to distance myself but that only made it worse because the floor was slippery so I lost balance but she held my waist once again but due to panic I hold unto her as well but instead of an arm the one I was gripping on was her dick

"Mhmma..nghhghh..aaahh.." she slowly breathes and let out these grunts and moans which made my core tingle and I feel like something is happening to me

"H-hey....stop...moaning...like that..." I told her but she didn't stop and I was getting more bothered and embarassed

"....I...can't...your..hand..is...just...too..warm...on..my...dick..." I look down and noticed that I indeed was still on her dick

Instead of letting go I gripped on it and pump it slowly while moving it in slow motions

"Ahaa....nghh....fuck..." her voice sounded sexy as hell and I'm getting wetter by the minute and then I realized


I then let go and ran away to my room and locked it and jump into the bed covered my head and yell into the pillow

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