Chapter 11: Redemption Arc

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A year Later

        I sigh as I step out of the boutique. Whoever said money can't buy happiness, might've been high but they might have been right. I get into my car,placing my bags in the back of it. I drive to my apartment. I'm leasing my new one in a few months since the lease is up on this one and nobodys here except me anyway so.
  I step in,closing the door behind me and placing a few bags down. I'll get the rest later. If you're wondering what happened in the past year,well Jae and De aren't married yet. Lahna and Jay are officially never getting back together. Like ever. Lele moved all the way to California for this program she's doing to become an actor.
         Jae moved out to do her nursing school and she decided to move closer. Jay doesn't fuck wit us anymore because of the Lahna thing. De is currently in jail for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Yeah I know...
Lahna is with her family in michigan,spending time with family because she is worried that chicago's  affecting her mental state. I think it's the people in chicago rather than the former. And Aaron, the love of my life and I broke up. And now I'm on my way to New York to go to business school.
I don't know how life got so screwed up. I mean things were supposed to be different. We were supposed to make sure we always stayed together as friends. Shit,family. And now we're all headed in different directions. Maybe one day we can start over or something. I mean for Christ sake Aaron watched me kill somebody to save him.
I don't think theres a way in hell I'd ever let go of him.

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