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This is going to be in almost every story I write it might help you know the characters more and what they can do so on with the Prologe. If you want to be in this story please put you name, ability and weapon (also if you want to be good to bad) please put in a comment and I will see what I can do. I will take into account any new readers as well. Thanks for reading.
Prologue start
This story will be about a girl who is brought up not know what she is and what she is capable of, when she reaches a particular age she will lose her humanity and become something that is very powerful but is also very lonely.
A girl was running through the the forest, she had scarlet hair, dark blue eyes and pale skin. Her cloths were all ragged and torn there was also some blood spots either from her or someone else, she reaches a road and she starts to slow her pace, she wanted to run but she was to worn out.
Then suddenly she lit up in hope because she could here a car coming then she was worried it might be someone who will hurt her. She stood at the side of the road and waited until she could see the driver. He was scared then she felt a sudden weakness to her body she was starting to pass out the last thing she sees is a set of headlights stop and a black figure emerge.

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