Chapter 1: "Deception at it's best"

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DuPoint Realty

DuPoint Realty

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12:00 AM

Cierra, holding a notepad in her left arm and her cellphone in her right hand, struts down the hallway on the phone with someone. "Perfect! See you then, Mr. Hart." She says into the phone, before ending the call. She then arrives at Craig's office. Unexpectedly, she quickly enters.

She immediately turns around to shut the door, and when she turns around she's shocked to see Chelsea and Craig conversing at his desk. "Oh, dad! Chelsea? I'm sorry. I didn't know you guys were having a meeting... I was just gonna stop by and see if you wanted to do lunch." Cierra says. "Well-" Craig utters, before being cut off by Chelsea.

"No, sis, we're not having a meeting. Dad, and I, were just..." Chelsea replies. "Well, I mean should I tell her? Or should you?" Chelsea turns to Craig and asks him.
Craig becomes seemingly hesitant. "Well, um..." says Craig. Confused, Cierra becomes intrigued...

Fielder General

Amyra slowly exits an exam room

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Amyra slowly exits an exam room. "I'll be right back with those results, Dr. Ramiro." she tells Ramiro, before shutting the door behind her. She then sneaks down the hallway. Once she makes it to end of the hallway, she enters into the elevator.

After a short moment, the elevator opens and she strolls down the hallway. She continues walking down the hallway, until she reaches Dr. Johnson's office. When she gets there, she enters. "Hello, Dr." she says sensually, after immediately locking the door behind her. She then turns around faces a reclined Dr. Johnson.

"Why don't you come give me what you came up here for, huh?" Dr. Johnson says intensely. "With pleasure." Amyra replies. She then makes her way to him. Once she approaches him, she gets on her knees and unbuckles his pants. He sits, enticed, as he enjoys the action.

DuPoint Realty - Craig's Office

DuPoint Realty - Craig's Office

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