Midnight call

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It was almost seven in the evening and the sun was about to set. I had a day more until I reported to work on Monday. Maybe I should go formal shopping tomorrow with Leyla. Leyla was the only person I knew here in this new city. I dialed her number right away, hoping she would pick up, which was an uncertainty, because she was one fine woman who had many guys hovering over her.


"Savy? What's up? Is everything alright?", she was the only person who called me Savy, though I hated it. "Hey girl, I got through today's interview.. I was hoping maybe you could accompany me to shopping tomorrow. Lunch's on me!", I chuckled and waited for her response. "Ofcourse cheesecake, I'll come by your place at 11 sharp. Be ready." We said our goodbye's and hung up.

I didn't realize I'd dossed off until I heard the door bell shriek. Looking around me, I saw I had passed out on the couch with the TV on, now showing the end credits of some movie, and it was past midnight. Who would it be at this time? Should I grab a bat? I pushed away the uncertain thoughts before pulling the door open.

"Were you asleep? I just wanted to come by and apologize for being a no-show at the mall. My friend was involved in an accident and I had to rush over to the hospital without informing you, I'm so sorry. I hope you got a ride back and Uh, I'm really sorr..", I covered her mouth with my palm. Why not my lips? "It's alright, I hope you're friend is fine now?", she nodded in response as my hands were still on her mouth.

I pulled my hand back and opened the door wider for her. "Care for some caffiene?", I asked half smiling and half smirking. She walked in through the hall as I shut the door close behind us. "You've got an amazing place here", she said admiring the interiors and the wall art that Leyla had helped me with. And needless to say, she was the boss at it.

When I got back from the kitchen with two coffee cups in hand, mine filled with ice cream, I saw her sitting on the couch, occupied in some deep thinking. "Ahem.", I cleared my throat before offering her the coffee. "Thanks, and I'm so sorry, I'm keeping you up at such odd times, even before you started working for me..", she trailed off, causing me to raise my eyebrows at her.

"So you're saying I should expect more of this in the near future?" She giggled in a very adorable way, that almost had my heart melting. SHUT UP!

"So are you seeing anyone at the moment?", the words escaped even before I had the chance to stop myself. IDIOT! She almost chocked on the coffee, before returning to my unwanted question, "Not really, why?", "Uhm, just like that. Cool." I said and ended the awkward talk.

"When can I take you out Savannah?", now it was my turn to look at her wide-eyed. She continued, "I mean I do owe you a decent lunch atleast, please don't say no. I can cook pretty well.", she winked. "Sure, I can come by anytime. I like girls who cook." WHAT? Stupid Stupid Stupid.

Updated yet again. Quick, aren't I? ;)

Love you all munchkins. Thanks for reading.

On the side- Just an image related to Savannah and her lifestyle

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