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Eiji and Kai sat on either side of Aya as they watched Sailor Moon for the umpteenth time in three days.

Toman had something going on where Ken and Mikey barely showed up anymore. Ken either stayed at Mikey's house or was passed out in his room. There was some fight going on, she knew that, but something big was troubling her brother. She didn't know what it was though, and that made her frustrated.

School was a challenge as her brain was focusing on trying to piece together small amounts of information to find out what her older brother was dealing with.

She knew she was desperate when she had to ask Haruka if she had heard anything. Her... boyfriend?- Aya had no clue whom Haruka was talking with at a time. It could change in a day- Daisuke, his mom tattoos deliquents. Haruka might know something.


"- so this guy comes in with tattoos and he, like, demands her to tattoo this random date for some reason. Anyways, I heard a rumor he almost killed a girl," Haruka told Aya when she asked. Aya regretted asking a bit, but now she had some insight in the world her older brother lived in.

"Thanks, Haruka." She waved goodbye and headed off to walk her younger brothers back to their home.


She could hear an argument going on from Ken's room. She quickly led Eiji and Kai into her room and put on a show for them. Then she ran to see what was happening.

"We can't leave him in jail!" She heard Mikey yell.

"It's not jail- and he chose to go to juvie!" Ken yelled back.

She opened the door gently. The two didn't notice at all.

"Hello?" she said as gently as she could. She watched both of them jump slightly as they realized she was there.

"Aya, can you-" Ken began to say.

"Hey, let's go get some food!" Mikey interupted. He almost ran out of Ken's room and grabbed her wrist.

She almost fought back, then gave up when she realized he was stronger than her. She just hoped Ken was ready to take care of their brothers.


They sat outside in a park while eating snacks and drinking soda. They weren't talking, just sitting in silence. Although, Aya desperately wanted to know why he was arguing with Ken.

Mikey moved closer. With a grin he stole her bag of chips.

"You!" she yelled, standing up to protect the rest of her snacks. Mikey got up as well, ready to steal more.

She backed up and turned to run, he followed. She made it only a few feet before he caught up and picked her up by her waist.

She couldn't help the blush that bloomed on her face. She had never been this close to a boy outside of her brothers before. She had never dated, never had any romantic moments with anyone. The idea of someone doing something like picking her up by her waist was new.

She kicked her feet around, with a nervous giggle. She heard Mikey snicker at her. She stopped freaking out and tried to twist her body to look at him. He held her harder.

"Give up, your snacks are mine!" he told her. She attempted to turn around again, no change. She was stuck.

"Never!" She held her snacks close to her chest.

Mikey dropped her for a second, before picking her up like a princess.

"Give me all your snacks and then I'll set you free," he bargained.

She shook her head, looking away.

Mikey began to walk with her in his arms. He seemed to be moving them towards the exit of the park. A large group of people were beginning to enter, a large group of people who could see her in his arms.

"You can have my snacks! You win!" she told him frantically as they went closer to the group. "Please put me down!"

He grinned down at her, before slightly dropping her. She felt her stomach travel through her entire body in only a second.

Then he finally lowered her down, feet first.

She could only thank god that she was on the ground again. She didn't even mind when Mikey took her snacks. What matters was that she wouldn't be placed in an embarrassing position.


Aya laid in her bed, knowing she should be asleep. But all she could do was giggle and blush like a schoolgirl thinking about the day she had. She didn't find out anything about why Draken and Mikey were fighting, but she was able to hang out with Mikey... alone. Like a date.

She giggled again and hid her face in her pillow.

Mikey was the first boy she was certain felt some amount of interest in her. He was also the first boy that made her feel this giddy. He was also kinda cute, but was obviously strong as he picked her up without much struggle. And he was so close to her today, so close...

She slapped her face. The insecurities that only come when its nighttime beginning to humble her. It was very likely Mikey saw her as a game. It was also likely that he wanted snacks. The fact she acted so shy with him today could've made him shy away.

Her smile and heartbeat fell, she pulled the cover over herself and hoped sleep would make her understand Mikey's feelings by morning. She really hoped he did find interest in her. After all, she was interested in him. No point denying it.

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