Chapter 6- Changing

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Scott screamed a short moment after his alarm went off in the other room. I walked upstairs to his closed door. I was hesitant to knock, but decided to anyway. "Scott? Is everything okay?"

"No. Don't come in here. I look like a mess," Scott called.

"Calvin, I've seen you with long hair. I think I'll be alright," I teased.

Scott sighed. "Just... Just wait."

He came out of his room, dressed. I raised an eyebrow at his figure. He couldn't have gained that much overnight. It was close to impossible. Scott shook his head and grabbed my hand. "We're going to be late."

Scott had a meeting to go to, and he had to dress in sweat clothes. I shook my head as he ran out of the elevator. I headed to my office, almost eager to just be in the office. Everything was getting strange, so it was nice to do something normal for once.

Scott walked into the office a while later, looking exhausted. I looked up as he sat in a chair in front of my desk. I didn't need to ask. Maybe the meeting was rough. He did come in here sometimes to get away from the stress.

"It's official. I'm getting fat," Scott announced.

"Scott, you're very healthy. You might just have BDD," I reasoned.

"Can't you see it, (Y/n)?" Scott questioned in disbelief.

I leaned over my desk. "I see my best friend. I don't care what he looks like, I care he is himself. That's all that matters to me."


Scott was getting upset as the days went on. He went to see the doctor, as one of his colleagues suggested. He's completely healthy. One kid going up to him and telling him what she wanted for Christmas ended up with him getting Charlie getting taken away from him.

The doorbell rang one afternoon. Scott was about to shave, so of course he answered the door with shaving cream all over the bottom half of his face. I was in the living room as they talked.

I watched as the men carried box after box inside the house. Scott came downstairs after a while, staring at the piles. Scott opened up a letter. I stared at it before Scott opened up the box. A bunch of kids' names on a piece of paper.

"What is happening?" I breathed.

"Something that I think has to do with a certain dream." Scott frowned.


Scott collapsed on the couch when he came home. A tear dripped down his cheek. He lost Charlie. I handed him a glass of apple cider. He took it, but set it on the coffee table next to him.

I finally sat next to Scott and laid my head on his shoulder. I knew he needed comfort. He wrapped an arm around me, silently thanking me. A tear ran down my face, surprising me. I didn't think I was crying. But then I was, because Scott had lost his son.

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